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RE: Key Take Aways from HIVEFEST 2020 & My suggestions & My proposal to the Community

in #hive3 years ago (edited)

I do understand the difference in STEM and Leo and their focus and interest right from the community and outside HIVE from the crypto universe (well, initially Ethereum users I suppose). For STEM it's certainly not that easy. However, ways must exists to bring STEM to the next level. I have no idea how big or small this topic is, but many ezines services around publishing in this space. With some creativity, some passion and some work, opportunities can be found to grow STEM at HIVE. When you are interested I'm more than happy to connect through a voice session so we can share information and perhaps brainstorm a bit to see if we can get to some low hanging fruit? I already gave some ideas for funding, and I believe STEM should be possible to receive funding. With funds, the first steps can be made already, making following steps easier.


I'm working on some SEO for STEMGeeks and trying to get in the door of some Schools and Universities. Both are quite difficult due to the unique issues here.

You may not agree, but suddenly I see the possible mix of the two STEM communities... You try and onboard schools and uni's. Where some of the StemSocial guys have their roots?

Are you the only one in the StemGeeks team, or is it larger?

I think I understand some of the issues at HIVE that may prevent institutions and brands to be onboarded. For long I want to try and onboard Dutch only 100% independent journalis platform, but the dynamics are not the best at HIVE. That said, mostly I'm short of support on the echnical side of things, from what is possible, to enable integrations. Still I'll explore with them, if they let me :) I don't want to hear no, not until I tried a few to more times 🙃🎶

Are you the only one in the StemGeeks team, or is it larger?

It is just me.

That needs some growth, thats for sure 😉
Hows the 'geek' factor in AltspaceVR?
You seem to have some experience over there?
Could be a way to get users to StemGeeks? Maybe thats something you were already trying, when so, dont mind me 🙃