Lo que se hace con amor da fruto / What is done with love bears fruit

in #hive3 years ago


Buenas tarde amigos, no podía dejar de mostrarles estas fotos, tienen un gran significado para mí; se las mostraba a mi hijo, mientras hablábamos de la importancia de ser constante.

Good afternoon friends, I could not stop showing you these photos, they have a great meaning for me; I showed them to my son, while we talked about the importance of being consistent.


Esta es una de siete plantas de pimentón que me regalaron cuando solo eran unas posturas bien pequeñas.
Las sembré, pegaron muy bien en la tierra, al pasar dos semanas, la planta que está en la foto, ella en particular agarró una plaga que casi se seca, no me di por vencida con ella, porque las otras seis estaban bien hermosas, llenas de flores. L
a pase para una bolsa con tierra abonada le lave sus hojas con agua y jabón, con los días y el cuidado se recuperó, lo único que quedo pequeña.

This is one of seven paprika plants that they gave me when they were only very small positions. I planted them, they stuck very well in the ground, after two weeks, the plant that is in the photo, she in particular caught a plague that almost dried up, I did not give up on it, because the other six were very beautiful, full of flowers. L To pass for a bag with fertilized soil, I washed its leaves with soap and water, with the days and the care it recovered, the only thing that remained small.


Me llene de alegría, cuando vi que se comenzó a llenar de flores, me preocupaba que tan pequeña no pudiera con tantos pimentones, al final solo le quedo uno, pero hoy en la mañana cuando voy a ver a mi tan consentida matica, veo que en forma de corazón comenzaba a ponerse rojo el pimentón, como si estuviera agradeciendo todo el tiempo que le dedique a su cuidado.

It filled me with joy, when I saw that it began to fill with flowers, I was worried that so small it could not with so many peppers, in the end there was only one left, but today in the morning when I go to see my so spoiled matica, I see that In the shape of a heart, the paprika was beginning to turn red, as if she were thanking all the time I devoted to her care.




Lo vi tan hermoso que quise compartirlo con ustedes.

I saw it so beautiful that I wanted to share it with you


Muchas gracias

Thanks a lot


This was such a wonderful read @taniagonzalezs. It really made me smile after reading your story and seeing the heart on the paprika plant.

It truly is thankful for you not giving up on it. Wonderful job bringing it back to health. ❤️

Thanks for sharing ~

Me gusta ese pimiento.