Hive, A Future? A Conspiracy? P.1

in #hive3 years ago

What is in the future for Hive.

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Predicting the future of anything, chances are you will get much of it wrong (if not all). Unforeseen future choices and developments will change the direction of many things. We can though, examine different possibilities and effects of different outcomes.

Looking at where Hive is now, inclusive of all the things I know about. Things like games, front ends, dapps and blockchain. Include in that any other bits of general knowledge.

My view.

Hive right now.
A blockchain support for(fill in the blank) projects and business leisure. The primary focus of the blockchain seems to be orientated around the blogging side of things. Blogging itself, or development of the chain is often wrote about in the blogging. I guess the blogging side of things can be looked at as the media outlet of the Hive blockchain.

Attached is the HIVE/HBD tokens. It can be used to purchase items in-game or the game currency. It is also traded on exchanges. These tokens are generated daily, with a distribution through a reward system to the blogging and functionality of the chain through a rewarded witness system. A decentralised Hive Fund provides funding for the development of dapps/projects or work carried out for the development of code on the blockchain.

Expansion of the blockchain has happened with the amount of new games that have become available to play. Some diversity has come about with different front ends to the chain. The addition of more games. Listing on various exchanges.

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Over-all, there has been progress in development of the chain and some development on games. But does this say anything for the future success of the blockchain?

Blogging games and other dapps all operate making use of the blockchain. For the blockchain to continue it only needs witness's. As long as there is people willing to produce the blocks. The blockchain will be there. For the blogging games and other things would they remain if there was no value to the Hive tokens?
I am going to dare to say many would vanish straight away and a mass exodus from the chain.

The success of the blockchain in some manners comes down to the success of the tokens it creates. You could say, the blockchain is a success. This success exceeds the limits of blogging games development of dapps and the code. The by product of friends and community's that have grown along with the blockchain. The future potential the Hive blockchain and tokens have to offer.

The community's created through the blogging and games has got to be seen as success. The development of dapps and the ability to use the chain trough various front ends also a measure of success.

Many use the blogging side of the chain for the rewards it might generate. Without the generation of remuneration Hive would not have made it this far and the actions performed on the chain would be minimal. In practise Hive has been a great success. But that success came from the value of a blockchain token.
In my view the success of the blockchain long term will be reliant on a value for the tokens.

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The current situation on Hive is not a decentralised system. The blockchain itself might be decentralised. But the governance of the chain is far from that. The governance is centralised still to a small percentage of users. While everything is controlled by a few large stake holders, saying the chain is decentralised is nothing more than CNN propaganda. Ha, reminds me of China, those few at the top making decisions for a population of people that will serve to enrich or develop decision makers policy.

This is what we have to work with for now I guess.

I do wonder why some proposals keep getting funded straight away on the DHF and others like the Hive Tips proposal and the advertising campaign don't.

The original post.
Update on proposal.

Another decent proposal.

Maybe we just need more people seeing them?

Which is worth a read. Struggle to get funding, it does on the surface look like, if you are in the cliché you get funded. That or some have the HP to vote themselves to the top.

There are probably others there you would agree with that just don't get there.

At this point, I have heard many use the term, "It is what it is". It has become what the system permits, is more accurate. This happens in just about all systems of society. It is the way it is because this way was allowed to happen. This way proved to hold the best incentive to those who benefitted from their projects.
The things said here might be dramatized a little, but I am not a believer that a conspiracy is at foot here. People form circles of friends and they interact with each other.

That should be enough to get some people thinking. Maybe even attacking the opinion wrote here. This is not the end of my opinion though, it's the way I see from the limited view I have about the Hive blockchain and what it is.

I will continue on with this topic in my next post.

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