My Entry: Let get Hive Business Card Distribute to the world


Creating a design and be creative with it is one of the best to point as designer. The concept of creating hive business card with sharp edges can be designed with different tools but I think Corel-draw will be a best tool so it could give me a sharp edge I want. Although I think of mock it up after my design but to avoid round shape, I stick using Corel alone.

My-entry-Front/Back Hive Business Card

Design Descriptions
Tool: CorelDraw X7
Font: Bahnscrift Light
Color: #201E1E, E31337
Width: 210 mm
Height: 297 mm
Text Arial: Unicode Ms

Design process

The reason why I prefer white background for the QRcode and make others black is that white background for the QRcode will make it unique, aside that it will be easy to scan even with blunt camera, because content on white background can easily be detected.

Front View

My front side contain QRcode, Hive logo, and Hive Url and slogan of BLOG, POST AND EARN that will energize people to join the revolution. Everyone are looking for way to earn money online, seeing that will make many people join the platform.

Back View

Same idea for QRcode to join @Hivephilippines community discord channel.

My entry for the Hive Business Card design contest by @acidyo




I like the design for this entry very minimal, especially the lines. Are they constellations by any chance?

On a side note the community name is Hiveph and not Hivephilippines

Oh thank for reviewing the error. Well appreciate your comments