Hivefest Amsterdam 2022

in #hivefest2 years ago

En: When the alarm clock rang, I crawled out of bed. The clock read 3:15. I immediately remembered the movie 3:15 You Die. However, @d4vidos and I started thinking about going to Hivefest in Amsterdam. Our plane was supposed to leave at 6:05, so we had time to get to the airport and have another beer there before we left.
We were already on the plane and about to take off. That's when the flight attendant's voice said that we would be late. It took half an hour. Fortunately, we caught the next plane and made it to Amsterdam successfully.
We had coffee at the airport, bought tickets for public transport and jumped on the train to Central station. From there, just transfer to the train towards Amstel. However, since we got off at the Amstel via the wrong exit, we walked a bit. In the end we got to the Volkshotel. It was already 10 o'clock and the conference had already started. So we set off in the direction of Noord. On the way, there had to be a stop at the coffee shop to stock up on something good for the weekend. Then hurry to the ferry. The conference took place in the Eye-tower cinema.


Cz: Když zazvonil budík, tak sem se celý zmačkaný vysoukal z postele. Na hodinách bylo 3:15. Hned sem si vzpoměl na film 3:15 zemřeš. Nicméně se moje myšlenky začli s @d4vidos zaobírat tím, že vyrážíme na Hivefest do Amsterdamu. Letadlo nám mělo letět 6:05 a tak sme měli čas dojet na letiště a dát si tam ještě pivo než vyrazíme.
Už jsme seděli v letadle a měli odlítat. V tom se ozval hlas letušky, že budeme mít zpoždění. Trvalo to půl hodiny. Naštěstí jsme další letadlo stihli a dostali se zdárně do Amsterdamu.
Na letišti sme dali kafe, koupili lístky na městskou dopravu a naskočili na vlak na Central station. Od tud už jen přestup na vlak směr Amstel. Jelikož jsme, ale na Amstelu vystoupili špatným východem tak sme si trošku zašli. Na konec jsme se dostali do Volkshotelu. Bylo už 10 hodin a konference už začala. Tak jsme vyrazili směrem na Noord. Po cestě musela , ale být ještě samozřejmě nutná zastávka v coffishopu nabrat zásoby něčeho dobrého na víkend. Pak honem na trajekt. Konference probíhala v kině Eye-tower.


En: The conference itself was very interesting and inspiring. We have collected a lot of information about network security. They heard about the possibility of cracking passwords, or about when a quantum computer could have such a technology that would be so fast that it would be possible to crack the keys to our accounts.
I was also interested in the #Cryptobrewmaster project by @rollie1212, his idea of ​​how to connect the game and breweries through a secret ingredient seems like a genius way to bring blockchain into normal life. But I still have to find all the information about that. A really interesting project.
And of course I must not forget @detlev, who told us about how important patience is when creating a project and that one must never give up. And of course a great #beersaturday in Amsterdam pubs.
I must also not leave out the Hive5 project with its super project for Newbies.
And a bunch of other great projects were featured here.
Well, the evening ended with dinner and a beer in a nice pub with Petanq. Everyone had fun, we played in teams against each other and the winner will be announced the next day.
We got a little confused on the subway on the way to the hotel, but we finally got to bed at eleven o'clock and slept like little babies.


Cz: Samotná konference byla hodně zajímavá a inspirativní. Posbírali jsme hodně informací o bezpečnosti na síti. Poslechli si o možnosti prolamování hesel, respektive o tom kdy by mohl kvantový počítač mít takovou technolgii která už by byla tak rychlá, že by šlo prolomit klíče od našich účtů.
Dál mě zaujal projekt Cryptobrewer od @rollie1212 jeho myšlenka jak spojit hru a brewery přes tajnou ingredienci se mě zdá jako geniání způsob přenést blockchain do normálního života. O tom si musím ale najít ještě všechny informace. Opravdu zajímavý projekt.
A samozřejmě nesmím opomenout @detlev , který nám povyprávěl o tom jak je důležitá trpělivost při tvoření projekt a že to člověk nikdy nesmí vzdát. A samozřejmě super prožitá #beersaturday v amsterdamských hospůdkách.
Nesmím taky opomenout projekt Hive5 se svým super projektem pro Newbies.
A bylo tu představeno další hromada skvělých projektů.
No a večer byl zakončen večeří a pivkem v pěkné hospůdce s Petanq. Všichni se bavili, zahráli jsme v týmech proti sobě a vítěz bbude oznámen následujícího dne.
Cestou do hotelu jsme se trochu zamotali v metru, ale nakonec jsme se dostali v jedenáct hodin do postele a spali jako malé děti.

En: Saturday took place in a similar spirit to Friday, only the conference moved to the Zuidekerk church. The conference was going on, we ate something, drank something, and at the end, half of the Hivers decided to go play poker and the other half, led by @detlev, set out to spend Saturday tasting beer. We got to the hotel without any problems and went to sleep.
We spent a rainy Sunday exploring the city. The day ended with dinner and beer.

Cz: Sobota probíhala v podobném duchu jako pátek jen konference se přesunula do kostela Zuidekerk. Probíhala konference, něco sme snědli něco vypili a na konec se polovina Hiverů rozhodla jít hrát poker a druhá polovina v čele s @detlev vyrazila prožít sobotu s ochutnáváním piva. Do hotelu jsme se dostali už bez problémů a ulehli ke spánku.
Deštivou neděli jsme strávili prohlídkou města. Den byl zakončen večeří a pivkem.


Thanks to:

Special thanks to @roelandp for taking us through the whole fest, it was really great!!!

And of course thanks to all sponsors.

If you want to see what where those conference about just go to and watch it.

Have a nice evening and Bee Hive!!!


I tobě děkuji za reprezentaci české komunity na HiveFestu. Myslel jsem si, že když nepojedu já, tak tam žádný Čech nebude. Příjemně jste překvapili :) A jsem rád, že jste si to užili. Co tak čtu reporty ostatních účastníků, musel to být super víkend :)

@tipu curate

To taky byl super víkend. Se super lidma.👍

Pekna vyprava!!👋

Diky bylo to tam super

Glad to read that you made it to Hive Fest 7! I was quite pleased that they did such a good job sharing the conferences.

Didn't get to see much of the activities after the conferences though, aside from pictures of course :)

I have to say that it was great conferences where realy good prepared as well as the program after.

Hope everyone can be there for Hivefest 8 🤩 Glad you liked it and enjoyed everyones company 🙂

It was realy a lot of informations and also a lot of fun, and the cold beetroot soup was great.

Next time we make different kinds of #coldbeetrootsoup 😉

Díky za report!

Looks like there was a lot of people attending? Just wondering what would be the cost to participate in this Hive Fest? !PIZZA !CTP

There was a bit more than 120 people if remember good. And the costs hotel, plane and the hivefest ticket.

They charge for the entrance as well?

Wow, seems expensive and only for the happy few here... The day that I'll earn 300 EUR (+to cover all other expenses) with Hive is still faaaaaar away, I think...


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@svanbo(5/5) tipped @holdonla (x1)

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Thanks for the mention. Nice meeting you 😎👍

It was nice for me too.