"Well, isn't that special?"

in #hivefixthis3 years ago

««Enid Strict a.k.a. the Church Lady»»

Well, well, well... ¡Wadda unexpected surprise!

Low Rating

Apparently, someone decided to embellish and pay tribute to one of my latest and in my opinion very good posts, by hiding it in a furtive way with the kind courtesy of assigning new unlit and extra clicking attributes to it for my dear readers and very attentive fans.

And I say in a furtive way, because curiously this article has not been downvoted or flagged by anyone. Well, at least not in a conventional way that I've been able to identify yet. Therefore, I suspect that we must be surrounded by a bunch of powerful magicians and sorcerers on this social network in the blockchain.

Oh! or could it be... SATAN?!

So, I wonder who, how and from where exactly was that my very generous patron managed to efficiently hide my highly delicious article that was only intended for reader gourmets and sybarites of history tidbits and time travel on the blockchain.

After all...

¿Isn't currently now: No Censorship, Freedom of Speech and #HiveFixThis CTA?

¿¡The Impetuous Slogan?!


Ok, let me think a bit...

Well, I'm not sure yet how this could have happened. But rest assured I will find out it shortly. And if it's the case, you'll be the first one to know it. So, stay in tune folks. Whether it be for the delightful spontaneous laughs or arcane insightful knowledge. But in one way or another, I'm sure you'll gain some good from this whole plot.

Cranky Gandalf

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"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf
