Why... Raining and has to swim...

in #hivepets3 years ago

Why me...

Why me!!!!!!

Why! Oh why!









He he even knew. Ran right over there and jumped right in.

Mr knows better and still did it.

Oh wow. Ok. Well I'm getting the memo. He loves water. Just a matter of time til he can dive in the water and be summer dog soaked in the water.

But now? It's hard enough to keep us dry. And him doing this?

And he wants to play games with the fetching for dinner... He was a total fight for breakfast. But came around. So we will see.

Love this lunk. But some times he is just so stubborn. Totally love him and I have way more patience than he does.

Yeah it's been raining all day so me been stuck inside. He wants to go on a tear. Yep super puppy.

We got walks and potty time. Yeah he is super high energy. So tomorrow the sunny weather is going to be super welcome. He is going to get to go crazy. And I gotta get another snap lead for his new super long line leash.

Some more, DIY dog leashing action!!!!

Yep. Tomorrow is going to be awesome. And it's time we got a longer leash.


Ha ha, gota love em any which way.....and your guy is super cute! German Sheps and Collies really speak to me - my beautiful lil' bitch is a combination of the two.


why me.jpg

Yep this poor dog is just absolutely killing me sometimes and other times I am just absolutely amazed at how phenomenal he is.

Sometimes annoying, sometimes lovable?...sounds like us humans lol. You got a nice buddy by your side 👍 .

Yep he is awesome.