HiveTips - Update About The New V.0.5.8

in #hivetips4 years ago (edited)


This is a quick update in ref. to the newest updates to HiveTips, with an emphasis on how things operate on Twitter.

HvieTips is designed to give added features to the websites that it is available on, so as to enhance the user experience for the people on those sites.
So as to ensure we comply with the norms and expectations of different sites, HiveTips needs to be adjusted to their requirements, i.e. API usage, spam prevention etc.

So as to ensure HiveTips meets the requirements of Twitter we have in V.0.5.8 introduced the following:


We kindly ask everyone to update to this version, in case it doesn’t happen automatically (depending on your browser settings).

All our efforts are concentrated on ensuring that people enjoy what HiveTips has to offer everyone.

  • Your tipping is 100% human/organic.
  • Your tips are sent via your account, the interaction on Twitter is between you (your account) and the person you sent the tip to.
  • Their interaction is 100% human/organic.

Some are still wondering “Why there is a 3 minute cooldown between tips?"

Well, the answer is quite simple. That is an antispam feature on HiveTips. So that HiveTips is not used for spamming, but actually tipping and if anyone does decide to abuse it, they will be doing so not only with their own account on Twitter, but at their own risk. That type of behaviour is not acceptable. HiveTips is for tipping, it isn’t meant to be used for any other purpose.

Some other very important aspects of HiveTips is that it is feeless, there are no hidden fees or “skimming off the top” on any tips.

Yes, your tips are 100% sent to the people you are sending them to.

HiveTips is not a profitable venture, it is here to make your experiences the best they can be when you tip a fellow human out there.

We believe that this is something that is a gesture of goodness, sharing and kindness. We don’t want to make money off of your good will and generosity.

This update is being issued so as to ensure everyone is in the loop with the changes made in V.0.5.8


HiveTIPS logo 150.png

Yours truly,
The team @fullalt.


Thank you for all your hard works! We appreciate it.

One of the most important features to this update from the operating side of things is the fact that when we start reaching new levels of usage, we will know in advance and update API service accordingly.

With the current listed measures installed, if it happens that let's say on a certain day, tipping goes all crazy and people tip all over Twitter, the queue will ensure everything runs in accordance with the API service that is currently most applicable (as per regular usage).

We are doing everything possible to ensure that the user experience on Twitter is guaranteed to be excellent while at the same time doing everything necessary to ensure we fully respect the sites norms for third party services.

I personally can't express how glad I am to see people being able to tip other people and not get ripped off by some "middle man". As giving is a very personal thing and someone skimming off the top of that to fill their own pockets, just isn't "nice"! (that is the nicest word I could think of).

We can change the world of giving/tipping, all thanks to the Hive economy/ecosystem.


I truly believe in what you guys are buidling here. Great to have you with @lightproject and @enginewitty

Muchas gracias el información es de mucha utilidad.