Update on HIveView

in #hiveview4 years ago

It's been a few days and the newness of Hive is starting to die down, but I still chip away at my personal project, which I hope to be used in larger projects. Most of the recent additions were purely cosmetic.


If you look closely in that picture, you will see that comments now show up.

that comment though

Working routes so far:

  • /@username
  • /@username/permlink
  • /@username/following
  • /@username/followers
  • /{tag}/
  • /trending
  • /hot
  • /latest

In the end, I hope for it to be a full functioning condenser replacement. In addition to all condenser clones, I intend to include the builtin marketplace and add an escrow service that has been sorely missing. Basically, if it can be called via the API I fully intend to include it, this means things like custom JSON creator, etc.

Please, feel free to join in if you have some python3/django experience:

GitHub Link is HERE

Now, I plan on this being more of a "pro" app, not necessarily a new-person friendly one. I am in the process of converting it away from bhive (beem port) to hive-python only possibly litehive (since most of it is lower-level calls and it's smaller footprint)

In the meantime, take care during these troubling times and find yourself a good hobby.

Michael Garcia a.k.a. @TheCrazyGM
