My Hivewatchers blacklist. My apology to the Hive community

in #hivewatchers2 years ago (edited)

In the last 24 hours I have been informed by @hivewatchers of some of my posts published over time, in English and Italian. These are posts in which I describe some trips supported, shared on some international communities and then translated and shared in the Italian community. Usually I always share posts in dual language in the Italian community, I have rarely decided to share them separately to publish them occasionally in other communities. In fact, I noticed that some Italian users had not read my post as it was written only in English.

Here are the posts reported:







The need arises from reaching two different audiences, not all Italian users follow and read the posts in English. Of course, the team explained to me that this is not in accordance with the rules as in fact I am earning rewards from two identical posts, albeit in a different language. Rules are rules, it was not my intention to break them to get more rewards, on the other hand I don't earn that many.

But it is right to set a good example for everyone, especially the new ones who may see the negative sides of all this. The Hive community stands out from the others for the quality of its content, so you need to avoid any doubts or attitudes that clash with the rules. I will continue to support the community and its users.

Thanks for your attention.

I will set Hive Found as a recipient of my rewards for future posts, a sign of my good faith


Every place has its own rules and we are supposed to follow them for making the environment friendly and supportive for everyone.

We all make mistakes at some point of our lives. The good thing is to accept the mistake, learn from it and not repeating it again.

Good luck to you.....!

to err is human, and apologizing is one of the most beautiful gestures anyone can do. Thank you, mate

The posts (and sources) that you submitted in the above posts are not the posts that we commented on. They appear completely random. Could you please include the correct links and sources that we provided for each post?