No job, no money, no girlfriend... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

in #hl-exclusive β€’ last year


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Oh! Boredom. Some people are naturally bored. You cannot stay alive near them. They kill your morale no matter how active you are. Kola was a friend and a room mate. We got together in school and because he was intelligent I lobby to have him as my room mate. Yes my reason for thinking of having him was accomplished because we read together all the time and we impact each other intellectually. But one key spoult the dogs teeth. He would never interact with you when he's not studying. Talk to him and expect a still silence. That's how I define him to visitors in our lodge

Most times, I prefer to be alone than stay with him in the room. The only time I appreciate is when we are studying together. He looks too serious like yello 'Ankara" all the time. In fact, when you see him, you are seeing a first class product. But my result was far better (I mean far far better) than his. Staying with him was the first bored moment I had because we were together for a year before I ran for my dear life. During the period we were together, the only thing I do is play games or watch movies.

No work, no friend, no girl friend.

This was after I lost my job with airtel and couldn't go out because I was in a deep shit. I talked about this sometimes ago in one of my blog. I'm always indoors from monday to monday. Living without anyone around to console you and give you strength and words of encouragement to move on is like existing without being noticed. I was living like a walking corpes. My smart phone went bad. My dvd had issue and all the books I had was old ones. I can't keep reading them over and over without getting tired because of what I was passing through. I was damn broke like a broken plate that fell from one million storey building (Sky scraper). On my touch light phone, I might not have a beep in 6 days and no airtime to call even if I have someone to call. It was really a bad time devil drink water

I didn't know what to do

At that point, I was so paralized that I hardly get up from my bed till evening. No food, no water. Buying pure water was not possible and it was moving towards the dry season when rain fall once in a while. I would wait for rain to fall before I drink water. πŸ˜‚. My girl friend left me during that same period. If I had her, she would have been a companion. Are you reasoning my parents? I hate involving them in my ordeal so they were not aware of what was going on. The only thing that kept me was hope. I was bored to the brim but there was too much hope flowing in my blood stream. It was hope that kept me

β€œThe very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.” – Barbara Kingsolver

β€œHope can be a powerful force. Maybe there’s no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic.” – Laini Taylor

Hope was it all because my chronic bored momemt was accompanied with lot's of hardship. It was more than just being bored. It was a hell of a boring monent

Thanks for reading. This is ckole the laughing gas. One love

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Sorry say you chop breakfast πŸ˜‚



That kind roommate is one of the worst, all these type of people that take life so serious. They don't even know how to joke around.

I can relate to your story, I had one like that in my hostel, sometimes he asks us to keep quiet because he is reading.

Thanks for sharing.

So boring room mate. I had to run from him. πŸ˜‚. Thanks bro

having no gf, is an advantage, isn't it? We are in the same boat brother

It's an advantage bro. No spending of unnecessary money. However, we can't do without them..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚