The Shackles Of A Rhyme - Enjoy with Troy!

in #informationwar3 years ago (edited)


In all the happenings we are experiencing today, I offer this question. What do the following have in common?

The Banking System
Government Welfare Programs
Child Protective Services (CPS)
Child Trafficking
Social Media
Covid 19 Pandemic/Vaccine


They all are designed to enslave and control us.



Yes, slavery is alive and well today, despite what they tell you. You may not see cotton fields or a large colonial plantation, but we all seem to work for some form of plantation owner. That owner controls us and manipulates our lives, without us even knowing. Some may call him a puppet master, shadow government or the elite illuminati.

I Thought Slavery Was Abolished

We may remember learning about the 13rh Amendment that abolished slavery in 1865.

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude except as a punishment for crime where the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. 'Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.'

We might remember that President Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, who was pro-slavery. Although Old Abe took the bullet, slavery slowly changed and reinvented itself over the decades and generations. Let's consider the above mentioned.

Ending The Banking System

Banks make money off your debt. They will help you get that new home or car, or student loan with a smile. But over the years, you are in debt to them. Millions of good folks carry those heavy chains of debt to their grave, only to have their assets seized. Living beyond your means, by overspending and maxing out credit, make them enslaved to the system with no room to breathe.



Yet, it is the banks and corporations who control the purse strings of Washington. Politicians are no longer statesmen, nor do they work for the people. Follow the money. Our own greed and selfishness has played well into the hands of the powerful, as we suffocate in debt.

I believe, like my grandparents, in that, if you cannot pay for it, you cannot afford it and don't need it.

Take Control of Your Wealth

Nixon took us off the gold standard in 1971. Historically, no fiat paper money system has ever survived. So to, the US dollar's days are numbered.

It is time for each of us to become our own banker. Instead of investing in notes of Federal Reserve debt, (Which is neither federal nor has your interest), invest in hard assets like silver nd gold. Seventy -five years ago, if you invested twenty dollars in an ounce of gold, it would buy you a handsome wardrobe, decked out to the finest. Today that same ounce of gold would buy you a splendid wardrobe of fine clothing. Yet today, that twenty dollar bill would not even buy a pair of shoes.

It is time to take control of your own assets and store real wealth. If you cannot hold it in your hand, you don't own it. All this digital money and crypto could be gone in one swipe of the delete button. In China, they control people through a social credit score that can restrict access to your money. Also, the ATM system here in America could easily go dark from a grid shutdown or bank holiday. Folks from the depression era could tell you all about it. If only the dead could speak.

Governmental Welfare Programs/Socialism

I think of how socialism and welfare started here in America. It was first with a drip as Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced programs during the depression of the 1930's. The drip of the socialist faucet was turn up in the 1960's with Big Daddy government giving money for food stamps, ADC and countless other programs to help minorities and curve poverty. The faucet was again turned up under Clinton and Obama administrations. Today, we have rounds of stimulus checks and unemployment being handed out like candy.



Create Dependency To The Programs

So have we ended poverty? Have we helped the single mother or fatherless child rise from their dependency to once again be self-sufficient? Of course the answer is no. These programs were designed to create the pot belly on government as the monster grows and make us addicted to free stuff. We have become lazy and unmotivated. I mean, as long as it is free... why work? Why have dreams and ambitions? The government has your back (Right!) and your LBJ predicted.

Socialism never works in the long haul. Show me a country that is socialistic and wealthy. There is none. It is a two class system of haves and have nots, rulers and peasants. Do we really want to be another Venezuela? Even the USSR could not keep it together.

Socialism can kill a country, making it weak and lazy. Without a middle class tyranny and poverty become the norm.



Socialism is an addiction that one must walk away from. We never discover our true potential and purpose, when we are enslaved in dependency and laziness. Necessity is the mother of invention... not endless dependency. A dependent country is vulnerable and defenseless to its enemies. So to we can be cooked like the frog from being unmotivated. It is time to work off that belly fat and get in shape. It is time to rid ourselves from the pounds of governmental programs that are weighing us down. It is time to get healthy.

And Then We Pay Taxes

Yes, we are enslaved to Uncle Sam for property taxes, income taxes, sales taxes, city and county taxes and a host of other taxes. And I ask you, what do we have to show for it? Are we fairly represented in congress? Do the people even have a voice? Our founding father are probably rolling over in their graves. They got bent out of shape by a tax on tea. Yet, today, we see massive taxes and wasteful spending. Hmm. I wonder if they go hand in hand?



When we enter this world, we have a birth certificate. We are provided a copy of it, yet the original one is traded like a stock over and over. Money is made off it, without us ever receiving a dime. There is a reason our name is all in capital letters on our IRS forms. They look at us as a corporation or entity of money rather than a real person.

Some folks even consider paying taxes as governmental theft

We are enslaved to the tax system. As they say, the two things in life that are certain are death and taxes. Much of the taxes were only introduced as voluntary to fund the world war or other projects. Yet, they remained like leaches, only to suck us dry.

The tax laws need massive reforming. There is a movement through the Quantem Financial System and Nesara to return all taxes paid into the system over a period of 10 years, according to Dr. Charlie Ward. But, I will believe it when I see it. Other folks have tried to renounce their citizenship and thus not have to ever pay taxes again. That may sound a bit extreme. But something needs to be done to end the shackles of the tax system and its enslavement.

The Child Protective Services (CPS)

Speaking of governmental theft, I offer to you the CPS. With the signing of the Safe Family Act of 1997, then president Bill Clinton legalized the theft of children by the CPS. With the incentive of $4,000 per foster child and an additional $2,000 for special needs children, the program rolled out. Case workers were paid bonuses to stalk and steal children from loving homes and feed this Orwellian arm of government.

The incentives and weekly quotas work like Heroin to the case worker. Though manipulation, intimidation and and lies, young babies and children are ripped from their mother's arms of protection and placed with strangers. Although many families try to find the money to fight the CPS in court, it is draining financially and emotionally. In addition, the court system is rigged, as judges and lawyers are bought off.



Sadly, children are enslaved with a lifetime of emotional and psychological baggage. Dreams are forfeited and innocence is shattered. Parents are left with a mirage of emotions and nightmares. And then there are the tears and cries of the voiceless, as they suffer in silence without protection.

Apathy and ignorance only protect the thief.

And Child Trafficking

Big money is made at the expense of innocence. Some children end up being shuffled from foster home to foster home, enduring angry voices and violent hands. Others are sold into the sex trafficking and pedophilia markets. Sadly, they are forced to oblige favors and perverted acts or lose their lives. Still others end up as Satanic sacrifices for the elites.

Open boarder help the child traffickers as well. More money is made off child trafficking than drugs or illegal arms combined. Perhaps, that was one reason why they did not like Trump as he fought for the wall and the rights of families and children.

But, there are other who are choosing to help defend the rights of parents and protect children. Pro-family groups want to end the enslavement of innocence. Folks like, @familyprotection here on Hive, are a voice for the helpless and hurting. They work to educate and free the shackles of bondage from child trafficking. I encourage you to support @familyprotection as they continue to end the slavery of children and free the shackles.

Social Media

Society used to interact more. Neighbors knew neighbors and folks would start up a friendly conversation on the local rail or city bus. That was before social media. Today we are addicted to the big brother screen, as we voluntarily tell Facebook or twitter our personal secrets. You would think our phones were connected to our bodies like an ambilocal cord. Even some Christians have traded in carrying their bibles for the I Phone.

Though we are enslaved to the anticipation of social media's posts, we are also censored through political correctness and artificial fact checking. Our voices are restricted and yet we find ourselves addicted and caged in enslavement.



Control Of Information

If they can censor you, they can control you.

Fact checking is nothing more than a modern day NAZI approach to control information... and you. When they shut you up, you are not a threat to the system. Think of how big tech worked overtime to suppress information during the 2020 election. They were using the same playbook Hitler used 80 years ago. And they succeeded in rigging the elections. They get big tax breaks because they are big tech and not bound to the restriction of a publisher... yet, by censoring and controlling data, they are indeed publishing.

History never repeats itself but often rhymes. And this time in shackles.

It is up to each one of us to speak out. We have the internet and our voices and we will not be silenced or censored. I know of good folks here as well as on Facebook who blog tirelessly for freedom and liberty. Together, we can end the enslavement of tyranny and restore our God given rights.

Covid Plandemic

The Covid19 scenario is a classic example of problem - reaction - solution. Problem - we have a lab produced virus. We are told by the state run media how dangerous it is and how we must wear masks and live in lockdown fear. Reaction - the sheeple decide to live in fear and believe the spoon fed propaganda. Willingly, they social distance and deprive themselves of oxygen as they breath in their own bacteria. Solution - the vaccine - When you take the vaccine, you can travel again and enjoy some of your freedoms once more. You may not have to socially distance as much.. and we will all live happy ever after.

I have some land in Florida for sale - if you believe everything you are told.



Sadly, many have chosen to live in fear and get the injection (it is not a real vaccine) jab. Little do they know they are compromising their DNA with this RNA and getting chipped with a tracker. Once again, we witness the enslavement of a people, but this time on a global scale. How quickly they gladly forfeit their freedom for the illusion of some normalness returned to their lives.

Could Dr. Fauci really be a political puppet paid to spread propaganda.

Through the plandemic scamdemic we also have witnessed the control of information by big tech and the press-stitute media. Doctors and truth tellers have been suppressed from sharing their voice. Yet, more are dying from the jab than the virus. What is up with that? Is this the agenda 2030 depopulation effort? The world has too many sheep, unable to do the research, and delighted to be enslaved to the evil system.

They are eager to get their passport papers. Reminds me of NAZI Germany.

Slavery Thrives

In fact, it is more alive today than ever before in America. The 13th Amendment did not stop it, neither did honest Abe. There are no cotton fields to pick, but we hace been picked to be the enslaved. Some may think that Washington is the plantation, but it goes much deeper than that. Washington is only a sprinkling of puppets who work for a larger puppet mastered, shadowed government. Some call it the illuminati or the elites. George Carlin called it 'The Club.'

The Shackles of The Rhyme

You may think that history is repeating itself with the themes of slavery, censorship, suppression and theft, yet we are experiencing the rhyme, as history never fully repeats. But those couplet really sting. And how we want the free expression of prose. How we yearn for the taste of freedom again. How we need to rid ourselves of these shackles.

There are folks who are speaking up. In Arizona, thousands of parents approached the local school board, They said they did not want their children wearing masks. They had enough. These parents were peaceful and strong... and the school board walked away. These parents took it upon themselves to create a new school board. - Taken from X22preprt episode 2464B.

Only End When We Choose To Take Control

If tyranny can be overcome on a small scale like an Arizona school board, image what we can do together to take back our freedoms and end our enslavement. We have the power... we must own the power and claim our freedom!

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Bill Clinton legalized the theft of children by the CPS

Sure, in their jurisdiction. You don't have to play in their sandbox if you know how to practice non-consent and hold your standing and they have to honor it. Otherwise, we were conditioned to unconsciously consent and, in their minds, they believe they are avoiding spiritual consequences. I think it can be described as natural law: the law is consent. We don't see it because we don't realize consent can be unconscious. Not unconscious to me anymore, I can see it everywhere now.

All their laws dance around jurisdiction and consent. Pretty unbelievable. We are basically all watching a movie and mistakenly believing their laws apply to us.