Gene Therapy Death Toll: 966 Fatalities Reported

in #informationwar3 years ago


19,769 Adverse Reactions Reported in the Mass Gene Therapy Experiment... so far.

According to the VAERS DATABASE, from December 14th to February 19th, of the approximate 42M participants, about 20K volunteers suffered ill effects from the mass gene therapy experiment.

As of Feb 19th, there are a reported 41,977,401 EGT (Experimental Gene Therapy) test subjects in the US, of these 19,769 (0.047%) have reported adverse effects including 966 reported fatalities (0.0023%).

Deaths are fairly evenly split between the Moderna and Pfizer experiments.


For more information, please refer to the article below:


For some reason it does not surprise me. Man cannot improve on what God has done. In fact too often he makes it worse. Blessings my friend.

Nobody is allowed to trust God anymore, we have to trust the doctors and the religion of SCIENCE.

Sad stuff.

Most will not realize it's genocide until it's too late.

What do you bet they're deflating the Vaxx Deaths/Reactions as much as they inflated the Covid Deaths?

Important - short clip--Vaxx in Israel



This illustrates so many feelings on the subject, yet the thought-police will pull us over and issue a citation for dissenting from the narrative. We may do nothing but take our medicine and like it, no matter the consequences.

Matthew 16:25 - For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.

Amen. May we stand firm to the Words of our Master.