Visit Steemfiles

in #informationwar3 years ago


Steemfiles turned into a place to view and even vote on posts from Steem, from Hive, from Blurt and Whaleshares. We don't respect any blacklists whatsoever. So, if you don't want to see any porn, don't go looking for it and you probably wont see any.

It's not a complete implementation. There is no creating of new posts and no notifications. There is no real support for communities and I keep running into bugs I don't always understand. It does however contain features you wont find anywhere else.

The home page contains the things I feel are worth keeping links to. Including a video on how the cerveza disease is treatable with inexpensive drugs and Americans cannot get them.

There is a permissions page where you can view, revoke and grant post permissions. Chances are you already have a few granted to others. If things seem to get stuck try refreshing the page. Replies work but they wont get saved so if you write a really long one drop it into some editor and paste later.

It's also all green. It's St. Patrick's day after all.



This is a very interesting interface, good work. I have played around with this a little bit.

Great Work.

Are you familiar with this,