Pinko InformationWar and prepping the battlefield - 2020 Election

The recent waves of bannings and deplatformings has accelerated lately.



culled their "problematic" subs.

One of them was called /r/hatecrimehoax. The ONLY purpose of the sub was to highlight all the false hate crimes. There was VERY little content on it that was not analytical, or directly sourced from the news... But the fact that it was cataloguing all these fake hate crimes was too big an issue to ignore... So its gone.

A couple of weeks ago they did a banwave on a lot of subs that appealed to the more moderate and right leaning members of Reddit. I suspect that a lot of users of these subs have stopped using Reddit . Thus, even non political subs are turning into extreme leftist echochambers because there is no one left to downvote shitty off topic political posts.

They're trying to memory hole so much shit in the lead up to the election.


Yahoo! comments are currently suspended.
it's a way to cutoff every single person from right wing ideas and isolate right leaning people. The goal is to quarantine each and every right leaning person and make them feel outnumbered and ostracized. Demoralization. Minor white pill: the problem is the left leaning people who do this don't understand that people on the right don't need group validation to stand up for their ideas. Shame is a feminine weapon that perishes in the face of logos.


Twitter Blacklists 7,000 'QAnon' Accounts, Limits 150,000 Others

What's Next?

From the Black Bag Confidential Reader,July 23, 2020

According to MarketWatch, ordinary Americans are being put on ‘restriction lists’, being banned from using certain businesses.

Why is this happening? And what does it mean for you?

Widely-followed geopolitical expert Nick Giambruno explains:

“This is just the beginning of a much larger movement I’ve been watching unfold for years in the United States.

Law-abiding Americans will soon have a critical decision to make.”



There are no "law-abiding Americans".
There are so many laws, so many which are conterintuitive
so many which are catch-22s, that no American is law-abiding.

Everyone is guilty, and just waiting to be picked up for processing.

All these media companies were started to control the narrative. (or purchased)
And that is what they have been doing.
It all looks on schedule to me.

So, what decision are Americans going to make?

3 felonies a day...sliverstein?

So, what decision are Americans going to make?

I have been frustrated and depressed that no one was going to do anything until it was too late...I think now that it won't be too late even after things get bad

historically, Americans always get bloodied at the beginning of a war, then come back in full swing

our blodding has been in the IW and lawfare takeovers of the country, the full accounting will be the economic damage wreaked, and the counterstrike will come after that

for now, the smart decsion is to be prepared and have multiple plans of action

for now, the smart decsion is to be prepared and have multiple plans of action

Be fully prepared for the inevitable unforeseeable black swan(s).

The interesting thing is that one thing that i am pretty sure will happen in the near future is that everyone stops paying taxes. Just stops.

I wonder what is going to cause that.

law and order breaks down (you are here), middle class sees they arent getting any service for their taxes, and lots of them are going to be unemplyed'ed by the current policies.

its almost like the elite want a breakdown rather than a slave class

"its almost like the elite want a breakdown rather than a slave class"

Broken, desperate people are easy to enslave. Esau traded his heritage for a mess of pottage. Afghanis signed up for biometric databases for bags of rice.

They will only win if we are broken, and they're in the process of breaking us. My darkest fears are reserved for the DNA altering vaccine. There's so many horrible mutations they could choose to inflict, it's almost impossible to choose which would be the most of benefit to them as a feature of their slaves.

They're not making us RoundupReady. My money is on seeing Bill Gates as an alpha male/sexy beast desired by all women and feminized men alike. He's the author of the code after all.

Staying away from the ballot farce!

Shame is a feminine weapon that perishes in the face of logos.

This line WILL be stolen and used!

it's what I did

and your exact line was used by another commenter on the post I stolt the line from LOL

The problem I see now Steve is that anyone that supports Trump in November will be doing so despite the Trump administration forcing DNA altering vaccination that has never been tested on animals using federal troops deployed in violation of Posse Comitatus - unique in American history on all three counts - because that's supposed to start between October and January, when the requisite doses of vaccine become available. No one that supports President Trump under those circumstances will actually be a patriot defending the Constitution, but a bootlicker supporting tyranny.

I'm quite alarmed that I was right about the leftist riots being the necessary justification the right needed to impose martial law and put federal troops on the ground in American cities. The totality of the evidence of collusion between both cheeks of the two party system has now become overwhelming. Worse, it's almost as if the banksters are rubbing our faces in how easy it is to utterly replace American government with fascist tyranny by using the practically harmless SARS2 virus as the terrorist weapon that causes a majority of Americans to become craven bootlickers.

Trumps remarks today to the effect that the vaccine doses necessary are being readied now, and the troops are already prepared to 'help' distribute them turned my blood to ice.

I've seen US troops helping bring democracy, freedom, and prosperity all around the world all my life, and I would rather remove my testicles with a rusty file than see such help given America by US troops, with the Libyan slave markets as a gauge of the results of such help.

The increasing censorship has long been the line in the sand for patriots, because censorship prevents a people from organizing to overthrow tyranny, as John Mosby's blog made clear. In these circumstances, I am not confident choosing which tyrant will turn us into GMOs is the appropriate response of patriots come November.

You may still vacillate regarding whether or not Trump is going to act admirably, but at this point I reckon it doesn't matter. The boots are on the ground, and martial law is begun. Actual patriots are preparing accordingly for a long and bloody insurgency.

My heart is broken.

God save the Queen!