The Most pressing issue : An economical, ecological and political framework to welcome vaccine refugees !!! Hitlers with syringes...

in #informationwar4 years ago

We are gonna be millions !

Yuge financial powers will move too !

I am not sure the nations and groups that will oppose forced mandatory vaccination realize it...

The liberty to dispose of one body, to be master of one health, it's so critical and core to the beliefs of so many.

So I rest assured that the yuge financial powers will be able to move swiftly through the administrative walls.

So to understand simply, it's INSANE capital reallocation. Those people fucking now all the scams, all the ways and that there is no other path... some could have said fake certificates, but they know that the new nazi (or vaccine genocidists) will anyway get dna scan soon (to control if you got genetically modified); I mean it's a genocidist tyranny cloacked in healthcare... Hitler with syringes.

It's one thing if Russia is a free nation, there is no real issue in term of ecological pressure, and with those insane amount of capital, the ecological issue can be quickly solved... vaccinenazis don't realize what is gonna happen...

the problem is if it's area like afghanistan, ksa, or japan that are the free world...

What I really think, is that we enter WW3 there... I don't say it will be nukes raining, but it's a cold war situation.

Where the free world will have to constantly scale it's lethality in an exponential fashion against the vacinne nazi...

Don't believe for a second they will let any part of the world escape their planned genocide...

Again, with russia the situation is solved directly... attack = lee.

and finally the political issue... it's really a new world with a true front line... the gmo modded through vaccines, aka the medical fascist tyrannic world with the free world on the other side.

so believing that foreign or international relation will be the same as earlier is a total lie and illusion.

It's gonna be constant warfare.

and more importantly it's how to integrate the new fighting population joining the war effort of the free world against the vaccine nazis...

I hope it can be contained to a shadow war (killing all the vaccine "spy" operators) in the free area, while having the "massive front line", could be ala russian... aka nuke me first if you can, but if you fail... or to more localized tactical front line... (good luck entering panshir unwelcomed)...

On this topic the integration by jihadis group of foreign fighters is very interesting...

And language schools please !

yeah I think that depending on the scale of the free world, it's IMPERATIVE to use as fast as possible the native language.

I see that as a war...

first welcome
second integrate
thrid join the fronts

because I believe it's gonna be a multi spectral war where only one can win.

my goal, is to destroy them, no survivors... the good thing? they will dna marked : the "fallen".

I am curious how the iranian think about this forced vaccination? the valley of pakistan? (advantage is that soon PLA will be the overwatcher, which is quite enough to deter any foreigners to act, specially once the modern systems are deployed).

will see...

but a little reminder... those who flew leaving everything behind, once they saw Dachau, Auschwitz, Burkenwald or the giant moving front lines of ww2, knew they had won everything ! Better to start with nothing in a pakistani rural area than being a slave of tyranical fascistic order that will only seek to expand... vaccines are just the first step in the plan for the total domination over human life to achieve their extermination plan...

but as said by PLA... there 1.5 (more or less) billion people in china, this guidestone agenda, is VOID, inside the security area of PLA, no discussion, WAR, total. this is a no brainer... hahaha. there is nothing you can do.