Undercover Journalist Unveils Another way Votes can be Fraudulent

in #infowars3 years ago (edited)

This method used by likely good sumeritans, is illegal. They get 1000s of homeless people to vote at a single address, a practice that would be in a direct conflict with the rule that mail in ballots must be sent from your legal residence.

This would obviously not be legal to have 1000s of people vote from a single address, unfortunately for the good sumeritans.

Project Veritas Reports


Had no clue about this! There are developing nations where you have to be pre-registered to vote and have a physical document sent to you. After that you have to physically go to a voting station and cast your vote while being monitored by a group of people from various parties. If this could be pulled off in developing countries under COVID-19 why can't US do better???