in #introduceyourself4 years ago

Un poco de mi vida
A little of my life

Mi nombre completo es Marialex Del Valle Flores Reyes nací el 16 de Febrero de 1997, soy de Venezuela orgullosamente VENEZOLANA vivo en el estado Anzoátegui específicamente en la ciudad del Tigre.

My full name is Marialex Del Valle Flores Reyes I was born on February 16, 1997 I am from Venezuela proudly VENEZOLANA I live in the Anzoátegui state specifically in the city of Tigre.


Soy un persona un poco introvertida no soy de salir mucho a fiestas o discotecas, para mí el mejor plan siempre ha sido estar en mi casa viendo películas o simplemente compartir con mi Familia es lo que me hace feliz.

I am a little introverted person I am not going out much to parties or discos for me the best plan has always been to be at home watching movies or simply sharing with my Family is what makes me happy.


Me gusta mucho todo lo relacionado con la tecnología por tal motivo estudie Ingeniería de Sistemas en el años 2014 y en el 2019 culmine mis estudios y estoy actualmente en espera de mi Titulo que por todos los problemas que han surgido con esta pandemia se atrasó un poco ese proceso.

I really like everything related to technology, for this reason I studied Systems Engineering in 2014 and in 2019 I finished my studies and I am currently awaiting my Degree that for all the problems that have arisen with this pandemic, I was a little late that process.


Presentación de Pasantías
Internship Presentation

Amante de la comida (me gusta comer mucho), y de los animales tengo dos mascotas que son mi adoración se los presento a continuación:

Food lover (I like to eat a lot), and I have two pets that are my adoration, I present them below:

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Ella es mi perrita, se llama Alaska Carolina Flores Reyes llegó a mi casa para traernos alegría y felicidad, cuando llego estaba muy desnutrida y con muchas garrapata pero con mucha amor, paciencia y cariño la cuide y es un hermosa perrita se ha vuelto muy importante para nosotros es la consentida de la casa sobre todo para mi papa y mi mama y duerme conmigo.

She is my dog, her name is Alaska Carolina Flores Reyes she came to my house to bring us joy and happiness, when she arrived she was very malnourished and with many ticks but with a lot of love, patience and affection I took care of her and she is a beautiful dog she has become very important for us it is the darling of the house especially for my dad and my mom and she sleeps with me.

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Él es mi gato, se llama Nekko Alejandro Flores reyes me lo regalaron es un poco travieso pero se ha vuelto parte de la familia al igual que mi perrita es un gato muy consentido por mi y por mis papas.

He is my cat, his name is Nekko Alejandro Flores reyes, they gave him to me, he is a bit mischievous but he has become part of the family, just like my dog ​​is a very spoiled cat by me and my parents.


Ellos son mis padres las personas más importantes en mi vida, son todo para mi gracias a ellos soy lo que soy hoy en día gracias a sus esfuerzos, dedicación, amor y cariño.

Lo que pretendo en Hive es conocer más personas, sus experiencias y vivencias así como también compartir las mías esperando que sean de su agrado, conocer nuevas comunidades y hacer algo completamente diferente,me despido por ahora me puede ubicar como @marifr hasta un nuevo post.

They are my parents the most important people in my life, they are everything to me thanks to them I am what I am today thanks to their efforts, dedication, love and affection.

What I intend at Hive is to meet more people, their experiences and experiences as well as share mine hoping that they are to their liking, meet new communities and do something completely different, I say goodbye for now can locate me as @marifr until a new post.



Welcome marifr!
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Welcome to the HIVE community in the blockchain.
It’s a great day to start your future blogging or maybe blogging. You will live it and the interaction is very nice.
YESS You are a new hive’er now!
I saw your #introduceyourself and its nice to meet you. We haven’t met before but that changes right now. The best advice I can give you for now is
• Post regularly
• Write quality content
• Do not plagiarize
• Comment on others' posts
• Join a community or three
• Talk to others on Discord
Speaking of discord we are @theterminal both account and discord and we help for free.
Unique on the blockchain, but we all started alone at one moment in time so when you need help let me/ us know.

Thanks for the input

I love cats and dogs.

Welcome to the HIVE family :)

I have posted a blog previously that has some competition/challenges that people run on HIVE ->

This should you help to settle in and meet fellow HIVEns though theses competition/challenges and also might earn you rewards.

If you need anything else just give me a shout :)

Hello @marifr Welcome to Hive. So nice to meet you. So glad you chose Hive for your writing experience. It may seem daunting at first with so many activities and so much to learn. Take your time. Nothing will happen overnight.

The key I feel to being successful on any social platform, especially on Hive is to write quality content and engage and connect with other authors with quality comments on their articles.

Did you know that when you publish your posts on, you are allowed 8 tags; but when you publish your posts on Peakd, you are allowed 10 tags. The more tags, the more exposure for your posts. For example, if you like to cook, you can use the following tags #foodiesbeehive #food #diy #build-it There are a lot more that you can utilize. Just let me know if you need any additional information.

And find several Communities that fit with your writing. No matter what type of writing, there is a Community on Hive to accommodate it. Just browse the COMMUNITIES TAB above.

Hope to engage with you again soon. Take care and stay safe.
