4 Years ago Today - SLC TEMPLE

in #jarviehistory4 years ago

These pictures were taken 4 years ago today.
Crazy how time flies. March 31 2016


It's also interesting that the building was closed on January 1st for a few years so it can be remodled and primarily so that it can be retrofitted to handle earthquakes.

And last week there was the biggest earthquake in Utah in 30 years just miles from downtown SLC.
And the statue at the top lost it's horn.



I was working on a book project about Temple Square in downtown SLC
I was up in an apartment building of a friend who runs the ABC station.



The Salt Lake Temple will always hold a special place in my heart. My parents were married there, and it has been my favorite temple since I was a little girl. Definitely looking forward to visiting again when it's finally rededicated!

It made me remember the song: I love to see the temple one day I will be able to go.

Yup, very well-known song among Latter-day Saints.

are you also lds?

Yes, I am. My personal project deals with a variety of religions, but yes, I am LDS.

Yeah, time flies too fast and we are the witnesses, pictures incredible to watch.

I felt the quake up north here but not bad at all. I heard over 90 aftershocks since then too.

Hope all is good man! Stay safe.

Ahh yes. The trumpet fell off after the quake.

Now, go over to Journal of Discourses. Coincidence? Maybe.

Truly incredible how time flies.

Seeing the book, I am curious how long did it take you to complete it?

oh how beautiful it looks, I am very happy to see the temple in hive. I love this more and more.

or how beautiful it looks, I am very happy to see the temple in hive. I love this more and more.