Doing vs. Being

in #journal2 years ago

We become like the people we hang out with. The people I respect most are doers. They are out there, impacting the world to increase the ability to function. I think maybe it has distorted me a bit. I feel responsibility to always be doing, always working towards something meaningful. This is the drive of an entrepreneur.

It takes effort for me to not do. It takes intention to just be. I relaxed yesterday and watched some movies (Free Guy, Netflix vs. the World, Outlander), played chess (Devon is still kicking my butt, but I get a game in here and there), and rested in my own skin. Today I may “do” more of the same. I have an increasing number of responsibilities, but they don’t define me nor did I seek them out. I was invited to participate, and I view them as important, so I accepted. The trick for me now is figuring out how to succeed without striving, to achieve effortless action. No simple task. I don’t know if it can be done. I don’t know what re-wiring my patterns into less striving will look like or who I might disappoint in the process. Part of that is wrapped up in my own insecurities which I think is a pattern seen in many doers.

Maybe the point of the game is to just be and the busy doers are just spinning their wheels in a form of avoidance. Or maybe each of us have our own unique path, as unique as our DNA, and some are learning to take some responsibility and do more while others are learning to let go, do less, and just be.

Either way, I’m full of joy to have you all part of my story. Thank you for the encouragement and perspectives and input you bring to my life.

Originally posted on FB:


Wei Wu Wei - Effortless Doing; Doing without doing.

Sounds like you're taking a deep (experiential) dive into Taoism :-)

Much love man, glad you and the family are doing well!

PS: You may want to reconsider your delegation to curangel & ocdb, as they are actively targeting and 100% downvoting hundreds of posts about the jabs, the plandemic, etc. They're doing their best to eliminate all rewards for "truthers," and drive them to a different platform.

The two of them, altleft, and azircon have been going on a rampage the last few months especially, as the narrative has fallen apart more and more, and they have had to double down on their religious dogma, and attack the heretics.

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I think you hit different lanes in life at different times. The moment I let go of letting others flex their propped up egos onto me the moment I was released from just being busy ;)