Ready or Not (2019)

in #kritikanstv04 years ago
«Вони йдуть»
"Гра в хованки" = 4/10

повёлся на рекламный ролик, где стрела в рот мешает сообщить красивой служанке срочную инфу. К сожалению других шуток в кине не было, кровь, тупняк, дурная фантазия сценаристов, полтора часа мрака на экране. Фильм полезен для зрения и бесполезен для зрителя


!HUG (-3) !PIZZA (+5) !LOL (2+2+1+1+2)
потрібно вже зараз

Dear @gravitcaper, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @antipops.

!HUG (-3) !PIZZA (5) наші міста !luv (11331)

!PIZZA * !LOL ты будешь собірать !HUG

  • !PIZZA * !LOL * !luv кен ю лейк
  • !PIZZA * !LOL на самделе є !HUG *
  • !PIZZA * !LOL * !luv бонус

@pereu4ivatel, @hive-102040(5/5) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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Made with LUV by crrdlx

Did you hear about the kidnapping at school?
It’s fine he woke up.

Credit: reddit
@pereu4ivatel, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of hive-102040


I tried to starte a professional hide and seek team but it didn't work out.
Turns out good players are hard to find.

Credit: marshmellowman
@gravitcaper, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of pereu4ivatel

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

@pereu4ivatel, @gravitcaper(4/5) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

Join in Hive General chat | Type ! help (no space) to get help on Hive. Info

Made with LUV by crrdlx

I stayed up all night trying to find where the sun was.
Then it dawned on me.

Credit: benthomaswwd
@pereu4ivatel, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of gravitcaper

Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!

Dear @ili0braz, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @pereu4ivatel.

Throwing acid is wrong
in some people’s eyes.

Credit: marshmellowman
@ili0braz, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of pereu4ivatel



Dear @antipops, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @ili0braz.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
hive-102040 tipped pereu4ivatel
gravitcaper tipped pereu4ivatel
pereu4ivatel tipped ili0braz
@gravitcaper(1/5) tipped @hive-102040
pereu4ivatel tipped gravitcaper
antipops tipped gravitcaper
ili0braz tipped antipops