Unloading the shit coins, BEAR BEAR market!

in #leo2 years ago



We all know that rising interest rates are tanking the market.. but are they really? Look the punch bowl is being taken away from everyone. It's amazing how once the heroin is removed everyone pines for the same old drug. Who could blame anyone when their stonks portfolio were doing nothing but going up for almost a decade. We all knew the pump mechanism from Central Banks.

The collusion of Central Banks and government is well documented in my blog and around the inter-webs. It's easy to give a heads up to the corporations if you are deeply imbedded with the FEDERAL RESERVE.

"Hey, it's JEROME! We gonna dump the markets so get some cash ready and get the fire sales!"

This is interesting this time. Even with fire sales, you still need buyers. I guess if your balance sheet is full of shit tokens you might as well buy real things with fake money. In the end only hard assets matter before your very special APE NFT'S. After all it's also been well documented that Bill Gates and the like have been buying up a lot of Farm Land.

Why Is Bill Gates Buying So Much Farmland?

duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh!!! and DUH!

So once the debt market is let go, the streets should be fun to watch. It's never a bad idea to be ready or prepared for a major shit-show even outside of your own home. Sure we all should buy the dip, but you need to have some dry powder ready in all it's different forms. My best tip is when things are very very hated to buy, it's probably time to buy that thing. Could be crypto's, could be gold and silver, it could be real-estate.


A wise man said you know the bottom of any market when even yourself hates it. it's hard to pull the trigger on something to buy when you really feel it's not the right time. Emotions will always get the better of us. Do I really need that extra can of beans now? Well it's never too late to prepare. You can always fail to prepare!


It about time to throw away all the shit coins. Shit coins fall hardest during bears . As there is too much debt market out of covid inflation funds. Maybe staying out of the market totally is a good move

The fact that so many people think a bigger bottom is coming makes me realize I am not ready in any way shape or form. I think I need to start doing some monthly buys of stables so I have funds ready and waiting to buy the dip.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Personally I think we will have a huge market bottom and when everyone is panicking you pull the trigger.

That's what I want to be ready for. Right now, I am not.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Fun read, loved the "why is gates buying farmland" section hehe.