Money's Like The Weather

Why isn't inclusivity a realistic ideal? Because money's like the weather.

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If you know anything about our planet's weather systems, then you're aware that the various gases hanging around our heads move because of low or high-pressure zones in our atmosphere.

The concept is simple. When molecules are at a higher temperature, they move more quickly, therefore expanding at a higher rate than a lower pressure zone.

It's a constant competition for space.

This leads to the high-pressure zones moving into the area where the low-pressure zones once were, creating new high-pressure zones - and the cycle continues - forever.

Of course, there are some reactions that occur along with this process. That's how we get powerful thunderstorms and weather events. Those thunderous spectacles are simply a side effect of these exchanges in atmospheric pressure - sort of like an exchange in power.

Money is a lot like that.

Let's create a short story - with YOU as the main character.

You are an entrepreneur. Finally finding that, "Aha," moment - you launch your first business, quickly learning how cut-throat the business world really is.

Usually, you think of yourself as an honest person - not someone just out to make a buck while standing on the necks of others. This leads you to try running your business by hiring people specifically in your own country, to help boost the internal economy and provide jobs for the good people of your own local community.

You build your own, small production facility, hiring people from your local community, and giving them jobs during a season when there aren't a lot of positions open.

This helps the people a lot. You feel proud, and you feel good about helping them support their families.

A year down the road your business is struggling. Suddenly, you can't figure out why you are no longer profitable. In fact, you're actually LOSING money. You may be able to survive for a while, but the current state of your business is unsustainable long-term.

What's the first thing you do?

You hit the books, looking at your numbers and seeing what went wrong. What do you find? That things are going pretty okay in sales, but your margins are WAY too low. You aren't making any money because of your production and distribution costs.

This is not good news. It means that you will have to shut down your facilities and start producing overseas to cut costs - or your business will go under. You can't imagine putting all those good people out of a job, but what good are you to them anyway if your business goes completely backward?

You end up shutting down your factory and moving your production overseas - barely in time to save your company.

Now, all the money (in your 1st-world country currency) is traveling overseas to another country where there is more competition for your country's fiat currency.

But where does that money come from?

It comes from your consumers, who are inclusively working in your country. They work in the country you work in, and they spend in the country you live in. You, on the other hand, now sell to and obtain your sales from those consumers and send a percentage of it continuously overseas, increasing the wealth of the country where your production is being run.

Essentially, you are the high-pressure zone and the country where your production company is located in the low-pressure zone.

This same thing applies to countries like Syria whose economies rely almost entirely on tourism. Their currency is practically worthless compared to the U.S. Dollar or the British Pound.

What happens when one high-pressure zone moves into a low-pressure zone?

Well, just that. You have a shifting of pressure - a shifting of power. While money moves much more slowly than the weather, it still moves. With its movement comes the exchange of power.

Violent storms, wars, and all kinds of signatures surround it when it happens. The mightier the high-pressure zone, the more spectacular the show when the power exchanges space.

But, the problem still remains...

There is never a perfect balance. What's more is, those who possess the most money and power often escape unscathed. They simply move their power and money along with the storm and make a profit as the winds shift. They watch the gold fall from the sky as wars are waged and people die.

We've talked a lot about blockchain technology possibly having an effect on the future of mankind. There is this idea, that we could cause a shift in the balance of power. That may be true in some cases, but even then, it requires having at least something to stake. It may cause a slight shift, but not an incredible one. When it moves, it will move hard and fast and leave another minority in the new 'driver's seats' the last wave of change has constructed.

In a sense, it offers people across the globe an equal opportunity to earn a global currency - or does is?

Is it really equal opportunity?

Not really. Not until we have a system in place in which it becomes possible to move a currency's price needle (upward) in the market without increasingly 'weighted' incentivizing of investments based on their size.

What I mean is, the benefit of investing must be powerful enough to draw in money that already exists. Money is only as valuable as what it can be traded for. It can not stand alone and have any value without taking into account its utility in trade.

That would be like asking a blind man to tell you if the lights are on.

We all know the price needle moves because of people who already have money, and then proceed to invest that money. When there is a large surge of investors buying up a currency - the price goes up. Simple enough.

Obviously, there are a lot more factors that go into this, but really - crypto is so crazy no one really knows for sure when this will happen - ever.

So, why do investors buy?

Because they are seeking a return. The larger return they think they will see, the more likely they are to invest - and to invest more. That is what I mean by 'weighted incentivization.'

Basically, all this does is continue to allow the rich, early adopters - to get richer. The idea of an equal ecosystem still does not exist. Do I have any ungodly idea on earth of how someone would build a system that worked - perfectly - for everyone?

NOO WAYYY I'm just rambling because I couldn't seem to help myself.

However, on the positive note - Hive is a pretty incredible place. It really does offer some amazing earning opportunities, no matter what their size.

Those Hive could turn into something really huge one day. Even now, in some countries, a few Hive a day might be the difference between having enough - and not.

I'll tell you this: When we were struggling (in the Steem days), Steem straight-up fed our faces a number of times when we didn't have a dime in our pockets.

No matter how you look at it, this community is doing well here. I just wonder how much the balance of power could really shift in this world without a complete collapse in humanity and everything we know.

I feel like a completely blank slate created by some sort of apocalypse, leaving only 1% of the earth's population behind, along with an EMP to destroy all technology, might do the trick.... But I'm not sure...

What do you think?