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RE: ScaredyCatGuide Says the Masses Look at Retirement All Wrong!

Well, in reality there is no way to retire that works for everybody.

Ummm, except we develop StarTrek technology and robots farm and build everything.

Every method requires someone else to keep working for you.

Why do dividend paying stocks even exist on the open market?
They should all be held in such tight hands that someone has to die before they are resold.
Think of it, you put money into it and it pays out each year without you doing any more work?

The only reason this "dividend" exists today is that people have been slow to get into the stock market.
50 years ago it used to be an only rich man's game.

My best idea is that you pay off your house, buy 20 years of freeze dried food that lasts 20 years, and then have enough cash to pay the little that is left... that is close to a retirement that everyone can do.