You best Stop Saving

in #leofinance3 years ago
Authored by @Me


FUD is a lot bigger fear to conquer than the FOMO. Sometimes having something tangible to hold on to is more realistic than trying to get a better deal, if it means putting what we already have at risk.

This philosophy applies in various spheres of our lives but is particularly prominent in relationships and finance. Sometimes we convince ourselves that it is futile to search for a better lover or partner and settle for what we currently possess; sometimes to great contentment and also sometimes to regret.

Likewise our finances. If it were so easy to change one's financial status overnight we would all be doing it. It is a venture that requires luck for the most part to succeed. There have been steps which have had time proven success to escape poverty with a decent amount of success, but those for wealth creation are generally contested with varying results.

One thing that everyone seems to agree on though is that to create wealth, a fair amount of risk is required. One must be ready to venture into the unknown and put the money where the mouth is.

There's always the question of which step to follow in these situations. Not all of us are able to take a fair amount of financial risk, neither are we willing. But taking what each individual considers a 'safe' risk may be the perfect middle ground for bearers and those averse.

The consequences for not deciding on a fair amount of risk to take in other improve one's financial capacity is quite evident, especially in the long-term. There is always the risk of complacency, inflation, serious health challenges and generational debt (especially in countries without a sound, affordable health care system) facing those who choose to play safe.

Being content yet striving for more, a healthy paradox if there ever was one.