SquidGrow -A Meme Coin Worth Buying?

in #leofinance11 months ago

So one of the joys and dangers of working in a coworking space is meeting someone else that's into crypto, and one such individual put me onto Squidgrow...

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With the main website url being squidgrow.wtf it's not an encouraging start, but then again what the f**k, which pretty much sums up the whole ethos of the project, so at least there's a level of authenticity from toe to tail I guess!

What is Squidgrow?

Well it's honest: it's basically a memecoin minted by an anonymous guy called Shibtoshi who was one of the early SHIB investors, held it and made Billions, off the back of also being an early Bticoin and ETH investor and hodler.

This guy apparently has a social conscience and has been involved with anti-rugging groups following the crazy defi spring summer of 2021 in which, well, a lot of rugging took place - with people buying shitcoins and then being unable to sell them because of dubious code in the contracts.

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The promise of Squidgrow is that no rugging is going to take place, hence the 'safety', but besides this, and the promise of forthcoming utility, it basically has about as much utility as any other meme coin: which is the utility to fucking moon hard if a bunch of Bitcoin whales decide they like it for it for lolz.

And ATM the website seems to pretty much point to that being its only possibility: it's a hopeless cheap as fuck design and literally none of the links work other that the 'dapp' link which takes you to a page where you can swap BNB for Squidgrow once you've connected your wallet, except that doesn't work - you have to go to Pancake swap so you can adjust the slippage, then you can swap!

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Price, Tokenomics and Buying...

NOT financial advice!

There's a total supply of a quadrillion tokens, hence why the current price is very cheap per token.

It's still early days and not a lot has gone on with the price so far in the grand scheme of things...

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My only not financial advice if you are going to have a punt on this is go via pancake swap, it's on BSC ATM (and a few minor exchanges), if yo use Pancake then double check the contract address on the squidgrow wtf. website and add it to MetaMask from there.

There is an option to pool but I'm just hodling.

Shib'll pay the ETH fees later apparently...

I got this from the highly reliable source of a guy I've chatted to once in a coworking space - When Squidgro migrates to ETH he's gonna pay everyone's ETH fees for the migration, so that's nice, right?!?

And may never happen, but hey, it's a punt, what can I say.

Buying Squidgrow Final Thoughts...

Whatever, I bought some with some other shitcoins I had kicking about in MetaMask doing naff all!

It's kind cool as you can get around 1BN tokens for $30 and in crypto terms that naff all.

And it may go nowhere, but this one is just for the lolz, but then again that's probably enough of a reason for it to moon. I mean, this is crypto, right!?


The thing with crypto is that anything can happen. This Squidgrow might moon or might not. But either way, it's better to have piece of the pie in case it moons... So, you are on the right track. All the best, sir.

Cheers! It's a pure punt

I got half a billion. :OD

Well it's only 2 expensive scratch cards!

That was essentially my thinking when you mentioned it!!

LMAO. Just for fun xD

$30 may become $3000..

I may decide to invest in this memecoin but I will make a thorough research because most memecoins are not trustworthy.

It's a pure punt!

Worth a punt? Hmm added to my notes as something to look at tomorrow. Maybe I’ll buy £50 worth lol

It's only a few lottery tickets!

As we have seen in recent times, there are such coins in the market that have made people very rich and we all should buy them as soon as possible. This is crypto where anything can happen people become very rich overnight.

It's a crazy world, but never financial advice of course!

Maybe you will hit the jackpot! And be able to retire! The staking functionality seems to work on the website.