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RE: The Privilege of Weeping for a Dog

in #life7 years ago

Thanks creatr! I'm around, just not posting.
Joogsie is doing well. She won't ever fully recover, I don't think. But she seems pretty healthy. It's like she aged quickly through the ordeal. Most of us can understand that, but it's hard to watch. We keep giving her the silver, along with a little CBD. Thanks again.
I'll post again one of these days. I'd really like to do an update on Joogsie - meant to do it a few months ago. Thanks for the reminder!


Thanks, friend, for the brief update. I look forward to reading a more comprehensive article about your sweet girl...

Glad you're doing OK!

I'd appreciate your prayers - I really need some consulting gigs, and some sales of my product. The marketing company that I've worked with for several years now has fallen on hard times; I would like to see them recover so they could pay me what they owe me, and so that sales would pick up.

Thanks! ;)

You got it!