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RE: Six Years Fly When You're (Mostly) Having Fun and Building a Blockchain

in #lifelast year

What an incredibly kind thing to say~ thank you for taking the time to drop in to do so.

I get how the "perfect image" has happened. We love to look at and talk about beauty. As humans, most of us enjoy seeing people succeed and be happy. Unfortunately, the flip side is as you've said, the way that social media works means that we're incentivized to present things a certain way, and it's very much gotten out of hand.

The real truth is always somewhere in the middle. I know I am incredibly blessed, and that I've worked very hard. I'm also closer to a "have" than a "have not" and try not to take that for granted, so where I can I always want to share knowledge and resources so that we all can benefit from them.

There will always be the words behind the pictures, and it's up for you and only you to decide if you want to speak them. What I can't convey as well and what does also bring other people down are the bad parts of my story. What I am working on is how to acknowledge those bad parts are a part of me, without staying focused and mired in them in a way that also impacts others negatively. It's a hard balance! Thank you for being a whole person 🖤