First dusting for 2022 as the seasons change :)

in #life2 years ago (edited)
First dusting for 2022 as the seasons change :)

Original photo taken by: @darsico

Time to take a look at what is next. Oh okay there's a picture of what last year looked like:))) New years resolutions are hard to keep but if i want to improve my health and well being lifestyle there's a few things i can easily change maybe a more meat and less pastries, donuts, cookies geez anything with butter in it is just delicious :)))

Premier dépoussiérage pour 2022 au fil des saisons :) Il est temps de jeter un œil à la suite. Les résolutions du Nouvel An sont difficiles à tenir, mais si je veux améliorer ma santé et mon bien-être, il y a quelques choses que je peux facilement changer, peut-être plus de viande et moins de pâtisseries, de beignets, de biscuits, tout ce qui contient du beurre est tout simplement délicieux :)) )

Original photo taken by: @darsico
As i started looking at new places to exercise i found a that there are two gym's near me but they're both closed so walking it will be. Couple weeks ago i had to decide to walk 2 miles its was only -25c or take the metro didn't seem like a fair choice knowing that in the underground was almost certain contagion of the virus but it was cold enough after a 5 minute walk outside i decided to take my chances and went for a ride. Of course everyone is wearing their masks just very strange sensation when everyone looking at each other and basically all you see is eyeballs looking from side to side it was uncomfortable and everyone looked stressed like there was a robbery in progress or something and there was a crook in the subway car , just looking down the middle of the train you could look down at least though five or six metro cars both ways, thats when i thought really if there was a good place to catch the virus it was here for sure...

Alors que je commençais à regarder de nouveaux exercices, j'ai trouvé qu'il y avait deux gymnases près de chez moi, mais ils sont tous les deux fermés, donc ça marchera. Il y a quelques semaines, j'ai dû décider de marcher 2 miles c'était seulement -25c ou prendre le métro ne semblait pas être un choix juste sachant que dans le métro il y avait une contagion presque certaine du virus mais il faisait assez froid après 5 minutes de marche dehors, j'ai décidé de tenter ma chance et je suis allé faire un tour. Bien sûr, tout le monde porte son masque, juste une sensation très étrange quand tout le monde se regarde et, en gros, tout ce que vous voyez, ce sont des globes oculaires qui regardent d'un côté à l'autre, c'était inconfortable et tout le monde avait l'air stressé comme s'il y avait un vol en cours ou quelque chose comme ça et il y avait un escroc dans le wagon de métro, juste en regardant au milieu du train, vous pouviez regarder au moins cinq ou six wagons de métro dans les deux sens, c'est à ce moment-là que j'ai vraiment pensé que s'il y avait un bon endroit pour attraper le virus, c'était ici à coup sûr. .
Original photo taken by: @darsico

Well pretty sure in the days after the sniffles began with night sweats so im guessing yeah i got it so i self isolated and it lasted about three weeks. You usually know when a cold is over when the fever stops although not that bad as far as colds go. So now that the confusion is over things are getting busy again and the city is once more shutting down all social activities. So for those merchants who are affected it's hard to close the doors and still pay salaries, hydro and rent. Its winter nothing doing so maybe another game site eh what the heck more is better and if there is one thing i bring to the table is more games :)))

Bien sûr, dans les jours qui ont suivi le début des reniflements avec des sueurs nocturnes, je suppose que oui, je l'ai eu, alors je me suis isolé et cela a duré environ trois semaines. Vous savez généralement quand un rhume est passé lorsque la fièvre s'arrête, bien que ce ne soit pas si grave en ce qui concerne les rhumes. Alors maintenant que la confusion est terminée, les choses redeviennent occupées et la ville ferme une fois de plus toutes les activités sociales. Donc, pour les commerçants qui sont touchés, il est difficile de fermer les portes et de continuer à payer les salaires, l'électricité et le loyer. C'est l'hiver, rien à faire, alors peut-être qu'un autre site de jeux, bon sang, c'est mieux et s'il y a une chose que j'apporte à la table, c'est plus de jeux :))) #fr



So you got the damned thing? I wish you a prompt recovery (if you didn't recover yet). I take the train + the metro to go to work every day, but I tune my timing to have enough space around me. It works... for now...

hi thanks yeah hard to avoid but it seems gone a mild cold, chicken soup time, its everyday stress traveling doesn't help, just waiting for springtime now stay well :)))

Here, I would not call it really a stress, but I must admit that the global situation is much less anxiogenic in France (and in Western Europe in general) than in Quebec. Some are already about the pandemic entering in its end phase, although this is in my opinion maybe a bit premature and probably strongly depend on the face of the next variant, which we do not know yet.

In any case, please stay safe! That is what matters most!

Hey @darsico, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Hey there Darsico! Just wanted to stop by and thank you for supporting my work, it really means a lot to me. Unfortunately I've been the target of abuse for almost three months and I can no longer take it. This is the end result and you should be aware of it as a prominent member and large investor.