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RE: What's up

in #life3 years ago (edited)

The cream on your face lol I thought there was Halloween on hive hahaha anyway irrespective of that I believe spots on faces will appear I mean our skin must always react with what we eat and the things that touches us on the pores hence this spors are normal but then someone came out dashing so nicely and I think you just look perfect.
As for your new homeI'm still thinking it might take a long time to get all the adjustable to be in place. not having privacy can sometimes be frustrating so I'd like to ask does your dad have a plan to like close the windows so you can have more privacy?
I hate toddlers making a lot of noise too, it seems to distract one. however I do feel that maybe you should take an extra measure to work on the studio maybe making it sound proof or making some sort of enclosure I don't know I'm just suggesting. So that all this noise from the children might not filter in anymore. I believe an artist needs their space and so do you too. But If you can cope you can somehow be adapted to it.


I wanted to have a partition between the studio and that room but it isn’t built yet, and I’m also not planning to spend more money here since it’s really not worth it anymore. Besides I can just give this studio for my dad as his workshop place or whatever. I don’t want to close the window entirely as I want it to be functional still, so they’d have fresh air and that would be possible if there’s a partition but like I said it’s a lot better to just move out. I just have to convince my dad probably cos it’s not common for us to move out cos ‘’family’’ and shit lol

Yeah you have to consider family and moving out might not go down we with them as well. Hopefully you can gradually feel at home there and I wish you the best my friend.