A request for help on getting back into Steem...

in #life4 years ago


Deep rest may be a better way to refer to depression. Depression has many heads, not all of which manifest as a great sadness or the desire to withdraw from family and friends. Sometimes, as in my own experiences, it provided me with an awakening of sorts. Nothing as profound as what the Buddha experienced some 2,500 years ago but enough to make me question how I was living my life.

a request to help me get going again...Between a few really bad days in which I went on a purge of my saved sites and a forgetful mind, I am left with no saved Steem related sites or much in the way of memories of how this all works. I would be grateful if someone could point me in the general direction of some helpful information to get me back up and running again... Hell, I feel like a day one user here, even the tags illude my memory. What's the tag for REMEMBER ME???? :-)

thanks much



Welcome back and to a new place :)
Catch me on Discord (same name) if you have an account there and need some help.

Thanks, it's been a while for Discord too but I will get back into that as well.