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RE: I can now sleep in the dark

in #life4 years ago

I used to listen to a radio show in which many people would describe the same experience. Some thought there was a supernatural cause.

I think what your new ability sounds like is lucid dreaming.

I don’t remember ever having nightmares, even in childhood. Usually I realize I am dreaming and play with the story or just observe to see where it goes. Even the dreams that seem very real slip up and give away that they aren’t real.

Only one dream was emotional for me. I dreamt my wife and I lost a child. It wasn’t one of our three children. Apparently we had a fourth in this dream, which was the give away. Still, even knowing it was a dream, I felt really sad when the boy died. I think I woke up with tears. I turned around, hugged my wife and went back to sleep.

Learn more about lucid dreaming.


I had lucid dreams sometimes but most of the times I'm unconscious. Hmm, it's like... I've told myself over and over again that I should not be afraid cos those dreams can't hurt me physically until it just got stuck in my subconscious. So those dreams that I said I can avoid if a nightmare was coming, I can prevent it but I was completely auto pilot with doing it although some instances I am semi-conscious. Haha but yeah I need to read more about it.

Aww, yeah that's a really sad dream. Good to know that was just a dream though and good thing you have your wife beside you to hug.. I hope you don't get to experience nightmares, they are terrible and I'm glad you don't remember having any.