What's your intention and do others know? & bTC $27K

in #life3 years ago

Unless you are prepared to assist with helping to pull themselves back together,
don't break someone.
People are the way they are, doing the things they think need doing because they feel it's the only thing keeping them from breaking down into a million pieces.
Being yourself and voicing your opinion isn't trying to change someone,
Keep that in mind.

On a HUGE sidenote, Bitcoin smashed $27,000.00, 7k above it's previous all time high back in 2017, but then again, tesla would've been a better bet. Still a long way to go on the crypto side until Bitcoin is the one outperforming everything else. Also, don't tell too many people, but once Bitcoin is the main currency, and all the banks and government are onboard with it, we will all be moving to a cooler newer chain like litecoin to do all the day to day stuff, while governments monitor banks by way of Bitcoin. Just a series of shower thoughts.. have a beautiful rest of your day and sleep well tonight.

Unless I'm wrong, then change my mind in the comments below. ^>^

And one more thing, a new year gift for a random comment, cuz why not.


I see the future world without banks.
Banks as we know them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exchanges are just banks. LoL, I feel it though.