Environmental Crisis

in #life11 months ago

"Isn’t it interesting how there are almost no public discussions about habitat destruction, extinction events, chemical spills or pollutants, pesticides, herbicides and loss of forested areas."

IMG source - RWMaloneMD.substack.com - and the above quote too

What environmental outrage erupted over the worst environmental disaster since Chernobyl, when terrorists blew up the Nordstream pipeline? Where were Greta and XR when private police - mercenaries - kept Palestine, Ohio from protesting the terminal poisoning of their children with chlorine and vinyl from a train wreck? Cow farts but not Biden terrorism? That's a clue as to the nature of the environmental movement today.

It's been captured by industry, just like the CDC, NIH, NIAID, FBI, CIA, DOJ, and DOE. Anything pushed by the WEF is good for the rich, not for the environment. What's really amazing about this is that it was the Rockefellers and Big Oil that saved the whales from extinction. Before petroleum began being refined and shipped around the world to light and heat our homes, power transportation, and fuel electrical generation, whale oil was the fuel of choice.

Many species of whale were pushed to the brink of extinction, and some still teeter on the brink. Worse, because whales were so difficult to study in the wild before modern satellite tags and transportation made it possible to study them ranging across the oceans, we knew so little about whales it's pretty likely species of whale went extinct before they were ever identified and cataloged.

Worst of all, construction of wind farms seems to be killing whales en masse - and the climate industrialists are using the tools Big Tech gave them to censor and push fake news that climate change is killing the whales, if only where giant offshore construction projects are being developed.

Environmentalism has become an industry, and it's pushed by the WEF, which is the forum for the least ethical industry in the world that is responsible for the worst corruption, censorship, and propaganda crimes that are destroying human rights globally: banksters. You know, the guys that win all wars by funding both sides. The industry that serially corrupts government agencies so that AIDS and autism can skyrocket so that babies can be profitably jabbed by Big Pharma. And let's not forget about being the final boss of geopolitics and counter-revolutionary spooks controlling the enemedia and toppling governments wherever they advance the interests of the populations against big corporations. Those industrial strength criminals.

It's much easier to understand why education is being utterly gutted when considered in light of reading comprehension and math skills are necessary to understand the frauds the climate industry is pushing. The math skills necessary to understand that more CO2 is good for the environment aren't taught in schools anymore. PPM make peoples' eyes glaze over, but when a teenage girl that skips school as a career choice tells them CO2 burns the sky they cheer and clap like trained seals.

IMG source - the Enemedia

Instead of learning the least common denominator of 72 our kids are taught there are 72 genders, how little boys can menstruate, get pregnant, and deliver that bussy to PoC. I didn't realize that the ultrarich are transcolored, until now.

However, it's becoming clear to kids that corruption is something rich corporations do, and that all the money pumped into deceptive NGOs don't come from the paychecks of fast food burger flippers, but from accounts of people with titles like 'sir' and 'esquire' before and after their names. Those are things schools never taught any generation, because schools are tools of the megawealthy and always have been.

Unschooling is perhaps the fastest growing political movement today, because corruption is only possible when the general public is heavily indoctrinated and suffused with disinformation propaganda that causes them to not apprehend it when it's committed, to not realize it's the cause of harms they suffer, and to despair of successfully opposing it because they're not taught true history of why people took up arms against their overlords during the Enlightenment, the Dutch even eating their Prime Minister in the 17th Century.

Kids are a lot likelier to learn true history, science, and the three R's from their parents who love them than their vile overlords that want to enslave them.

So, while AI is still controlled by Big Tech running it on supercomputers before FOSS AI outcompetes it running on laptops, hordes of bots create a false impression in comment sections everywhere that most people are morons and believe the lying WEF banksters that fund the crisis actors in XR to glue themselves to streets to appease the sky gods so that Rockefellers and Big Oil can upgrade their industry from producing cheap, reliable energy to controlling CO2, the chemical basis for all life on Earth, and lock us all down permanently in 15 minute prisons, exercise total information control, complete surveillance of our very thoughts, and design our DNA to produce the bespoke slave race they ordered at Home Despot.

The truth is that the flood of bots making ever more obviously false claims isn't a victory march. It's proof they're losing. When it's literally impossible to tell parody from serious disinformation, the failure of overlords to successfully pitch their propaganda is undeniable.

You know what ends habitat loss from Big Ag monocropping? People growing their own food, just like we used to do less than a century ago. It's the psyop that got us to depend on grocery stores for our nutrition that pushes money towards Big Ag. You know what ends chemical spills and toxic waste pollution? People making things themselves out of non-toxic locally sourced ingredients. Everywhere we look we see Big industry consolidating and becoming bigger, and what always happens in lockstep with that trend is corruption of government as more money is concentrated and competition of lobbyists is reduced, and that enables more terrorism, more chemical spills, and more tyranny to be inflicted on civilian populations.

The more corrupt national governments are, the worse illegal immigration becomes, because the more valuable cheap labor is to the megacorporations that bribe government officials to turn a blind eye to illegal immigration. The more concentrated wealth becomes in the wallets of the megacorporations, the worse education becomes, so that their corruption becomes harder to detect as people lose the ability to understand what they read, or to do that math that reveals bullets and bombs profit megacorporations more than happy kids with protective parents.

For all these reasons, it's necessary to wrest production out of the hands of the profiteering psychopaths that have bribed their way to monopolies. Providence has provided a massive economic advantage through the laws of physics to decentralizaton today. All that tyranny, corruption, luxury and lives of leisure for corporate overlords, war, and pollution is overhead that burdens centralization, and decentralization eliminates parasitic losses.

Overlords are obligate parasites. They can only suck the lifesblood from us through our collective production when we work for them in centralized industries. When we work for ourselves and trade our bespoke locally sourced non-toxic products amongst ourselves, they don't get a cut. They get cut off.

Decentralized technologies scale down better than they scale up. Little windmills are more efficient than massive whale killers are, and when we own the windmills we pay for, overlords don't sell us the power from them. Aquaponics systems in our homes are more efficient than massive vertical farms, and when we grow our own food we decide what we eat, and we don't baste our crops in biocides that turn the frogs and our kids gay. We get every mineral and vitamin we grow, and overlords get nothing. We no longer subsidize the destruction of habitat and the corruption of government agencies that are supposed to protect the environment, not sell it off to the highest bidder.

Seizing the means of production suitable to our personal circumstances makes us more wealthy, creates products better meeting our needs, and saves the environment. It does all that and it ends the flow of our productive work to rapine corporations and the psychopaths seeking to enslave us all. That profit corporations throw at politicians to corrupt our governments, destroy our schools, and sexually groom our children stays in our pockets instead. Instead of buying weapons and war materiel for CIA coups, we arm our kids and protect them from child predators and school shooters deranged by SSRI's and federal agents and spooks.

Start with a 3D printer. If you're an enthusiast looking for a hobby, the Ender 3 is inexpensive and serviceable entry level you can tinker with in a 1000 ways while you make tools you can use to decentralize in other ways. If you just want to get stuff made without tinkering the X-1 Carbon or Snapmaker Idex machines reduce the tinkering and speed up the manufacturing while still being in the low 4 digits price range. There are paste extruding printers too, and there are a million different tubes to squeeze that haven't been tried yet. Additive manufacturing isn't only melting plastic filaments to make knick knacks. From resin and UV light curing to spraying living cells on cellulose scaffolds to make tissues and organs, there's an almost infinite array of ways to make things today, out of practically every material human beings have ever made stuff with, and more.

We don't need to riot in the streets, and that never leads to more than revolution, which only ever trades in old bosses for new bosses. We don't need to act en masse, smell the tear gas, and get beaten by thugs to change the world. We can do it one calorie, one bar of soap, or one Kwh at a time. When we make the goods and services that create the blessings of civilization, we don't need overlords to do it for us. In fact, we dislodge the ticks parasitizing our very lifesblood and corrupting everything that is good and holy when we handle our business ourselves. The best thing is we can start as a hobbyist, and since all these hobbies concatenate together to replace all the worst industries doing environmental damage, we end up saving the Earth for our kids.

Start saving the world, all by yourself, for fun and profit.


I think covid really showed a lot of people the truth... strange times!

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Word. Thanks.

All we need to do is to realize how free we really are. Shed the shackles. Say no.

So many times I have felt powerless as massive juggernauts come and roll over our crumbling civilization. Then 3D printers were invented, and I realized I am not helpless. I can't win alone, but all of us together can't lose.


Cow farts is an interesting one. When the land was "pure," there were far more buffalo than there are cattle today. Far more deer, elk, moose, etc.

Cow manure is one the best organic fertilizers. A lot of shit is...

Both my kids went to school. Quite intelligent. Youngest one graduated this year with awards.

It would be difficult to heat Canada with wood but luckily trees print themselves if push comes to shove. Unfortunately, they don't grow fast enough. If gas was gone, I think the trees would follow.

"...there were far more buffalo than there are cattle today."

Before the Younger Dryas there were vastly more herds, of much larger animals, too. We lost 77 genera of animals over 100 kilos, and actually live in a species desert today, in which almost no megafauna remain to fulfill many functional roles in ecosystems. Ground sloths and mastodons used to browse in forests. The impassable brush on the ground was reduced to sloth poop and the forests now impenetrable thickets were like parks.

CRISPR enables considering creating novel fuel sources like trees that consolidate industrial or civic waste into something that is able to grow much faster than trees. Trees need to spend a lot of resources to survive in ecosystems that a bespoke fuel source wouldn't need to spend in a protected lab environment.

Congratulations on your kids graduating. As a parent I'm aware of the challenges that involved, and you've risen to surmount them. I wish them every success.


Many of the things you wrote here I don't bother myself with. Speak to the youth and they'll tell you it's not nearly as "bad" as what some of the adults on the internet are saying.

History of the environment is an interesting one for me. The future of self-sustainability as well. I have experience in agriculture. Both small and large operations. I've witnessed changes and advancements that make some of the arguments against some practices seem out of date, yet the arguments continue on as if no progress is being made. The last thing a land owner wants to do is kill their soil.

And it's easy to suggest growing your own food until you attempt to grow your own wheat and realize all that work and space only yielded two loaves of bread.

I've seen some of these folks online attempting to grow their own food after hearing these messages online, which is good, but they're using strange contraptions and planting in dead brown dirt. All that work and there's only one month worth of food, if it actually grows. Meanwhile someone who doesn't politicize their approach simply grows a garden and it thrives as they take pictures.

Sure, monocropping the old fashioned way is bad. Yet the prairies thrived being mainly grass for thousands of years. Burned in ways that would make forest fires look like campfires, only to spring right back up. People online from a distance will tell you burning straw is "pollution" yet that ash can help balance the pH.

Now you have crop rotations and cover crops that fix nitrogen naturally. Fully certified organic products require far more land and fuel to produce in bulk since some land must sit without food growing in order to maintain healthy soil without using chemical additives. Must plant a crop one doesn't eat, then work it into the soil. Still need to use large equipment to get the job done efficiently.

Life is convenient for many, so people apply politics in order to find ways to complain, about everything, in a way that suits only their audiences. Rarely yields actual results. Some people just like the words and need something to agree with. Don't take that personally. Though your article contains those elements, I'm speaking in general. Difficult for me to engage since I must sift through so much noise. Hard to be part of the conversation.

And I think it'll continue to be difficult to grow as a society when nearly all the problems one sees is always the fault of something or someone else which then encourages others of the same mindset the point the finger back. Two different versions of a centralized thought process always at odds with one another will never lead to a decentralized way of living. One must find their own path in life and reject all forms of groupthink. Dehumanizing those one disagrees with never amounts to much but I am glad you mentioned how smashing things doesn't help.

Anyway. That's probably enough rambling out of me.

*pardon my edits, should have proofread before hitting send.

"Don't take that personally."

I do, and am damn glad of it. In many ways, you're talking about me specifically, and it's rather a revelation. My concern isn't spurious, but my actions to mitigate the threats are, and you're right about my garden (I'm not a very good gardener). However, I am taking a variety of actions in the right directions, such as securing foods produced locally from local farmers and markets, and less from stores, canning, gardening (noobishly), and working on other matters as well. So, I'll take the good with the bad.

I am not at all convinced 'it's not as bad as some are saying'. I'm not particularly impressed with kids judgment (I have some), or even my own. I'm subject to normalcy bias, and the younger someone is the less experience of anything else they can compare present circumstances to. There's been some pretty horrific revelations in the last few months, that most of the concerns about the jabs are justified, that the USG has been massively infiltrating protests (hundreds of operatives in the Jan 6 protest, for example), censoring Americans utterly unlawfully, and a lot more criminal sedition and treason. I'm very concerned that lockdowns and masks were ubiquitously mandated while neither had a scrap of scientific basis whatsoever, because these are literal prisoner control techniques, were undertaken in most jurisdictions around the world despite no scientific justification for them, which indicates a massive, global conspiracy to treat us like prisoners, and that does not bode well for civil society going forward.

Regarding the agricultural industry, it's relatively new. A couple hundred years ago most of us would be growing most of our food. During WWII more food came from victory gardens than commercial agriculture in America (I doubt any of it was wheat, BTW). Also, there are real concerns that it's being replaced with much lowere quality fare, and being strongly deprecated. Farmers in the Netherlands are being kicked off their farms, and they're not the only ones. In my county we used to have hundreds of farming families working their farms. Now it's less than 100 corporations county wide. This is dangerous, because corporations aren't people, and don't eat what they grow.

Growing food is not like falling off a log, but is plenty doable. Aquaponics is much newer than gardening, but it's also more productive by orders of magnitude, automation of most of it is a real possibility with FOSS AI in the wild now, and offers an advantage that's potentially existential, in that it can be completely self contained and be undertaken in any environment. While the ability to grow food in space is not going to be necessary this year, it will be, and being able to grow food in a 3 bd apartment is useful now. I've seen a commercial aquaponics setup in a 3 bd apartment, and it was more than doable, it was highly profitable (cash crops). It's not how most folks should start expecting to grow all their own food immediately, but it's an easy hobby to combine keeping aquaria and a little indoor garden and get experience with, that can be vital in the future. Will be vital, sooner or later.

Those are things I think I need to be aware of, and to mitigate or act on as possible. I may not be able to storm the SCOTUS and make them rule how I want, but there are actual effective actions that I can participate in to shine a light on these crimes, help pressure the criminals, and push solutions that arise. That's probably the realm of concerns I can do least about, and I'm not helpless even there.

I can garden better, and look at strengthening local food production (I live in dairy country) by promoting markets and local production better. There's other things I can do that are both reasonable, potentially profitable, and impactful on these matters, and thanks to your constructive criticism, I am far more aware that I've been lax and whingy rather than proactive and reactive responsibly.

"...it'll continue to be difficult to grow as a society when nearly all the problems one sees is always the fault of something or someone else..."

You're not even wrong, which is why I appreciate the criticism so much. I have been taking some actions, but I can take more, and benefit both me and others more by taking more. That's why I tout decentralized production so much, because it's the antithesis of just talk. It's do, and it's actually useful right now, which encourages any that do to do more, as it did me (with a hint from you).

I don't mind the edits. I'm happy I'm not the only one that edits after I sperg out, and to receive the benefit of your continuing consideration.
