When Is It "Too Many" Virtual Machines? Am I a VM Hoarder?

in #linux2 years ago


I currently have 32 VM's...

And this is just in VMware Workstation Pro!
I have at least one in Virtualbox, and I think 2 or 3 in KVM.

Gotta have a MacOS, Windows 10, and Windows 11 of course.
A couple Androids, a Plan9, SmartOS(UNIX), Haiku, and ReactOS.
I'm missing a proper BSD and an Inferno for the essential operating systems collection.
But the overwhelming majority are Linux distros.

Some of them are build environments for specific things, and a couple are servers that I actually use or even copies of real servers I decommissioned.
The majority of them are for projects that I planned to do or projects that I've already done, but I find it hard to delete them because I feel like I'll need them at some time in the future lol.
And then there's all of the .iso images themselves...


I think I might be a VM Hoarder.
This is why I miss having a dedicated ESXi server. The entire machine was just VMware VM's with their own CPU/GPU/RAM and most importantly hard-drive...


Wow you are a collector. How much disk space do these VM`s take up?

Many of them I set to dynamically allocate space with the max being 20GB.
But I think the Windows and MacOS ones had mandatory space that was a little higher.
And then if I created them from an .ova or .vmdk they had already been configured for a certain size.
The "real" ones though that I actually use have like 30 or 60gb, and one of them is a copy of a real machine that's like 300gb lol.
And believe it or not I've actually deleted a bunch that I knew I wasn't going to use like a couple Android or RemixOS VM's.