Abracadabra, Simsalabim, three times black cat! - LOH contest

in #loh2 years ago (edited)

If I had three wishes,

I probably wouldn't even make a single one. Wishes are like people: they have children and multiply.

A wish that I think I urgently need will definitely come true, I suppose. The more imprecisely I express this wish, the more dangerous it becomes, because the universe is naturally generous and answers the requests.

Probably the worst wish-fulfilments are those that I express in a fit of despair, anger or arrogance.

For example, I say "There are too many people on this earth!" and as many others hear this saying and also join in, unimagined, often unconscious currents take place that want to serve this wish one by one. For it is really no art to make an appendage to this sentence and to think, "we must become fewer people!"

Indeed, the universe does not seem to have any precise ideas here,

and wherever this form of wishing manifests itself, one experiences all kinds of possible and impossible undertakings to do justice to the matter.

Who doesn't know them, the stories of a thousand and one nights, of gins rising from the bottle and paving the way for the one who opens it to make his wishes come true. The moral of these stories, creatively conceived as they are, is always the same: be aware of what you wish for, it might come true.

For example, the angry saying "I'd rather be alone! The world should leave me be!", can very soon come true. You find yourself in an excellently arranged isolation from other people and the result is often that you threaten to become unhappy. Or the disappointed statement "No one can be trusted!" comes true very readily, since it implies that one cannot trust oneself either.

"Everybody shall get rich!"

That can also be a wish, and of course, it will be fulfilled. You don't believe that?

Well, getting rich is a human wish and we have become super rich, even though we see poverty (on TV) and continue to worry a lot about so-called developing countries and the starving children. Because on the way to everyone becoming rich, we have not taken into account that there would first be a lot of cuts in the lives of the so-called poor people, who first have to be deprived of their own way of life and culture, so that they can then be developed in the same way as we are.

On the way to the same wealth as we have, something else must of course be given up in order to be able to fulfil this desire adequately.
The universe thinks nothing of it, for it knows not only desires that can be fulfilled in a short time, but also those that take a long, very long time. Centuries or millennia may pass over them. The wishes are passed on and have power. You may think, I am judging it, but I don't do it in a harsh way, for who am I to do that?

But even with the apparently selfless wish

"I wish not to make a wish",

a trap is waiting for you. My goodness, just imagine if such a thing were to come true!

The fairy who appears here or the ghost in the bottle, you could probably just treat him as someone with whom you have a nice chat, without making much of his or her pompous appearance.

You offer this magical person a cup of coffee or tea and pass the time telling stories. The figure may soon disappear, realising that there is nothing to get from you.

So I know all about it, you seducers!

Now I'm not angry with you, because even genies, fairies and magicians are only people who want to get the best out of you and they are certainly not to blame if they don't seem to succeed. As a challenger of "make a wish", in this I see an art form where the challenger may be hoping for a surprise. For something unexpected, at least that's what I would think.

It's like playing hide and seek, the real fun is the searching and the finding would then be the end of the matter.

With a twinkle in my eye, I would say that I have not qualified at all, for here you will find me philosophising about wishes but expressing none.

Or do you?

Picture source: my own.
I created a set of playing cards while we were on vacation (years ago in Denmark). My man gifted me a pack of "carte blanches" (HaHa, I really like this expression!) of which he did not know, that they were all blanks. He thought he had bought a regular set of playing cards but it turned out differently. So after the first surprise I thought to think of a game myself and so I invented the overall theme and rules for it. If you would like to know more about the game itself, I might post the rules and more pictures.

The reason I picked it for this post is because of the teapot you see at the very right end of the second row of cards, from bottom up. It looks a bit like that gin bottle from "Aladin", I think.

Thanks, for the contest, ladies of hive, I got here through the posting of @itsostylish :) - no invitation needed, but as the rules go, I invite @owascu to join in.

After thinking about whom I would like to read and comment also, I invite @litguru, who proved more than once, that he can easily switch from male to female. I find it a bit unfair, to only invite ladies ;-) - so, litguru, what do ya say? I may challenge you and make myself a fairy to you. :D


oh my goodness - i was going to comment straight on the post - but then the last part about you creating those cards?!?!?!
they are JUST BEAUTIFUL! wowwwww i'm impressed - i want to inspect each one hehehehe

but back to your post! hehehe
hmmm now I want to find a wish that can't be turned! hehehe

what if I wished this:

I wish that all people would be filled with goodness that overflows to every person around them.

can that be turned? hehehehe

Now I await your comment so we can delve deeper! hahahahaha

lovely thoughts here - caused me to dig deeper into my mind! :)

this post is too old for an upvote - so let me give a tip instead hehe

Thanks for following my invitation. And the tip.

I will probably make an extra post for the card game. Now that you are the second person which showed some interest in it :)

Let's look at the wish.
So all people overflow with goodness, they will no longer know what goodness is because they lack the contrast of feeling miserable. But of course, in the realisation of this wish, a complete indifference to goodness would then result. In this then perfect ignorance of well-being, there would no longer be any need to exist and people would dissolve into a state of nothingness. No conflict to solve, no learning experience to make. LOL
I would say any wish that includes "all" equally cancels itself out. Bound by the oath of fulfilment, the genie will naturally grant the wish, be assured. But will do it with both a laughing and a crying eye ;-)

Have a merry Christmas.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok

how about 99% of the time they are filled with goodness and overflowing

but they know 1 day out of 100 will be a difficult day - and then they still have the perspective??

LOL :) always nice to find a way to get around.

LOLOLOL hooray!!! we conquered the wishes LOLOL

you just reminded me of my own materialization dilemma:
how can i find a way to put as much materalization energy and intensity into the good moments, as i easily can in the bad ones?
seems like anger and sadness are so powerful that they lend themselves to easily make ad hoc wishes in order to soothe our pain. but then maybe we are just used to doing that from our upbringing, and could just learn to take a moment when we actually feel GOOD to materialize that further.
i feel when i am in a good state i hardly ever materialize or conjure something. when i feel terrible i often do.

might just be a questionable way of habit

In deed, I think it is like that, in the pregnancy of feelings, one wishes for something hastily, a habit that is quite difficult to break. The spirits you call actually come in a guise you may not have imagined :) From what I think, the "good things" one wishes for, can actually become an issue, too.

When I read almost anything you’ve written, I’m seduced. I’m not easily seduced, but when I am I often embark on ill conceived flights of adoration that are irritating to the recipient(s) of my ardor. Your intellect outstrips most ordinary folk, your talent is colossal. The only person on Hive or anywhere for that matter who outstrips us all is @litguru who is in a class of his own and I doubt if most mortals could possibly gauge his talent. @owasco is another favorite, she’s particularly wacky, which is inordinately lovely.

You remind me so much of my best friend, who lives in Belgium. Her musings are very similar to yours. I’ve invited her to join the Hive, but she’s reticent in most things, and like me she prefers to stay away from people, although she has a select group of very close friends.

PS: I can’t vote my voting power is down to ZERO. Haha

I love your endorsment and sentinments on the talent here, @itsostylish. Now I feel sheepish about my old cheeky work, good thing nobody reads anything older than 7 days :) I have learned a lot along the way. The talent on Hive, including yours, is phenomenal. I feel sorry for those who haven't gotten onboard. Wasting their energy on other platform.

Can’t vote for your comment, Sorry. Your old work isn’t CHEEKY.

Thank you for the compliment. Me enjoys having you seduced ;-)

Facing admiration risks falling back down from that position. LOL. So I hope to continue to keep myself relaxed.

Say hello from a stranger to your friend in Belgium. I understand that quality beats quantity and that it is probably a good way to remain to be able to respond to the people, as they are few and not overwhelming in both numbers and contents :)
No problemo with voting, I do not expect it.

P.S. You give me impulses on your part and I find great inspiration in many of your publications. It is a mutual nourishment with what occupies our spirits.

Thanks. Always hope for readers, and, obviously, to provide some inspiration

You're like a mischievous Germanic fairy, @erh.germany. I'm absolutely thrilled that you have conjured me up and invited me to this Olympian abode for the Goddesses of Hive. But why do I feel like I'm about to be fed to the lions? 🦁🦁🦁

As usual, your post is filled with delightful fruits of knowledge. I think that there is much to discuss, and I'm certainly game to do so in this ladies' forum. I will not enter the contest, but I shall respond to your post with my own separate post and publish it here in the LOH heavenly realm (if no objections are raised). A masculine perspective to your feminine view. Sounds precarious, and I don't know if I can do it, but I'll try!

I love the cards that your partner gave you, and the creativity and thought that went into filling them up. Very alchemical. I do think that if you're inclined and have the time, you should publish the rules of the game and a bit about the art.

Yeah, I thought you were definitely up for some fun while exploring the deeper waters at the same time. I'm looking forward to it and curious about your post.

Putting yourself in the arena of the lionesses, a true challenge to the brave man who ventures in there with mind, heart and hand :)

Kind regards from the Germanic fairy

Makes me happy that you are interested in the card game. I shall do an extra publishing if only it was for you. Many hours of drawing and idea finding went into this small and unplanned project. My man is the best man in the world, have I already mentioned? :)

Yin-Yang of Wishes great response in pointing out how one thing affects the next. 😆 yes the fairy may land up visiting to grant the wishes.

Thanks, I'm delighted with your comment that so aptly adds, "how one thing affects the next." In cases like that, you really don't know if you actually want the fairy to visit ;-)

Fairy no longer found 😆 perhaps we need some old forests to attract them again.

If you wish nothing and nothing happens, would you be happy then?

PS: I would like to see that other publication. I remember seeing those cards in the past, and I remember you talking about a game that to be honest I didn't understand very well.


Good question. If I wish nothing and nothing happens, what feelings might come up? In the case I feel disappointed, I can ask myself, what wish I possibly could have, because, if I wouldn't have a wish, no disappointment would have arisen. I even would not have any emotions. Not even happiness.

I still could reflect on the fact of disappointment and may refrain from it after a while of musing. Using my mind as a tool of free will.

I would know in retrospect.

Here is the link you referred to:)

You left out, "Bipity bopity boop!"

Thank you @erh.germany for wishing outside the box. 😅

HaHa, bring them on, the other spells! I've never heard of "Bipity bopity boop!"
You know some more?

Happy to see a kindred spirit that also plays outside boxes :)

"Bipity bopity boop" I believe came from Cinderella's fairy god mother.
"Hocus Pocus!"
"Presto Changeo!"
I used to know a budding Magician back in college.


Ah, thank you :)
I know the "Hocus, Pocus, Fidibus!"

"Presto Changeo" sounds Italien.

Do you know if the Magician made it to a profession?

Hey @erh.germany, I just reviewed the rules for entry into this contest, and I'm not sure if your post qualifies because it needs to be posted in the LOH community, add the contest number in the title, and provide a link to your post in the comment section of the original post. I'm not familiar with their rules so I may be wrong. I will still respond to your wonderful post, but I will post it on my blog instead of the LOH community (no lions' den for me :) I just wanted to give you the heads up.

Thanks, that is very considerate of you. I think I already disqualified myself for not naming a wish but I did as you said and put my link into the comment section (it's already posted in the loh-community, I think).

We'll see :)

The fairy awaits your respond and will certainly be delighted in one or the other form.

PS: you’re a witch, like me.

HaHa!! I sure sometimes wish to have witch power but then, see at my notion onto wishes :) lol
Though I really would like to fly around on a broom. My best dreams were about being able to fly.