AM fucked

in #lols3 years ago

No am not kidding am really really fucked.

No am not after your attention am just stating this for me to remember tomorrow because I am so fucked right now. I just need to make sure taht I can remember this moment becvaue the world feels like its spinning around me. Am the fucking center of the universe mother fuckers!!!!

fuck yearh.

I mean I am not sure what I am writing right now is even correct LOOL><

fucken hell

I mean how the fuck am i supposed to get shit right right now LOL

ok oik I am going to writie something profound for myself and no you guys dont have to worry about upvoting this shit right here becuase,

Oi! fucker. stop it I mean it. I'm, going to fuck you uip right now.

fuck you arsehoe. huh see what i did there fuckers/

well anyway i am getting very hasy rivght not am my fingersa are stareteing to get fuicked even more.

wake up fucker!

i mea n it.

and screw the photo i am too fucked to even get the fucken camera to wokrea.

fucke doffo bioatrhc n


Man! The fuck June contest is over, why are you still fucked? Pull your butt cheeks together.

Posted via

get your shit together


tenor (19).gif


When did I do this?