Confidence is loving you for you

in #lovelast year

Courage or bravery is not the absence of fear, but it shows mental strength when you are able to make important decisions.

There is a great tendency to adopt misleading notions of self-confidence. It is a concept that includes something akin to being arrogant, being able to act without thinking twice about decision making, or lacking fear or being immune. fear.

Confidence is the willingness to own who you are, what you believe in, what you stand for, and what you stand for.

It has a lot to do with accepting your weaknesses, your fears, your emotions, your eccentricities.

Confidence is when you keep silent about who you are and don't allow shame and shyness to linger around you until you mobilize what you're not for the applause of society. Confidence is learning to be yourself, feel comfortable, and be yourself while embracing the hustle and bustle of the room.

Self-confidence means loving yourself for your own sake, and boosting your self-esteem is your comrade.