
Oh thank you to take time to look at my blog. Suggestions are welcomed !

I'm checking now :) One big thing is to always source your pictures :) If they're yours, you should definitely say so :) And if not, always include the link :)

Ok most of pictures are mine, some of them have bien taken in my Facebook account. For others I take in pixabay and mentionne it under the pic

It's definitely a great idea to say they're yours - I just read your interview with Her Highness, I'm impressed :)

Pictures from Facebook and such really aren't a good idea here. It's always preferable that everything is either original or from royalty free sites like Pixabay, Unsplash, Pexels, etc

Yes they are part of my life since more than 15 years I love to let them talking 😉 I take note for the advice for pics, thanks

I can't wait to read more about your furry friends ♥️


I'll try to let them talking soon ;) busy day today....