Making my next comic for Kontext

in #mentalhealth3 years ago

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A weird request for Kontext, the German Psychology Journal I create comics for.
This was the brief:

a client comes to therapy because of a panic disorder. she tells that she fights with her symptoms for quite a long time and has asked herself ever since, what was wrong with her. when she told her medical doctor about her symptoms, he diagnosed a panic disorder. the client told that she was very relieved when she heard about the diagnosis because with this diagnosis she knew that her symptoms were real and that she was not mentally ill. So the diagnosis, as the signum of mental illness, served for her as proof for not being mentally ill.

So yeah, kind of tricky and at the same time straightforward. Just two people having a chat. Making that look interesting is the challenge. I'll be working with lighting, silhouettes, and a noir effect. Or at least that's the plan.

What do you think? How would you approach a brief like this?
Are you interested to see more progress shots of things I'm working on?


I'm actually impressed that you have a comic outline as I wouldn't have had a clue where to start with that brief. It does have that weird "tricky but straightforward" feel to it XD

I like progress shots if people want to share them. Always cool seeing how other people work and can be educational too.

Thanks, appreciate it. I'll post some more as I get the time around my day job.

Only tangentially related, have you been using communities?

Do you mean like the community search? If so, not really. To be honest i enjoy posting and sharing things but I don't spend much time looking. I feel a bit guilty to admit that. Do you have recommendations?

Well use the search to see if there are any communities around any areas you might be interested in and join them XD

Looks like you're already in the ones I would recommend so the only other one I can think of for you is Creating Comics, and Inkito (a hive front end dedicated to making comics and novels look good) may also be of interest.

thanks dude, that's great