Greg Hunter Interview: Nomi Prins - The Permanent Distortion We Live In

in #money4 years ago

Greg Hunter interviews Nomi Prins, best selling author of It Takes a Pillage: Behind the bailouts,bonuses, and backroom deals, Black Tuesday, Other People's Money: The Corporate Mugging of America, All the Presidents' Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power, and her latest book Collusion, about debt, economy, gold, and markets.


  • (01:11) Where are we in this next crisis?;
  • (04:07) If the debt cannot be paid back, how does this all end?;
  • (06:50) What is this going to look like to the average person?;
  • (10:36) What is the name you have given to this next stage?;
  • (15:37) Why are wealthy individual clamoring for physical gold?;
  • (19:10) When do we see inflation?;
  • (23:24) Is the bond market being inflated too?;
  • (25:39) Do you think real estate will do well?;
  • (30:28) What should the little person be doing in order to make it?;
  • (34:28) With all this massive money printing do you see another calamity coming?;
  • (37:01) Would you feel comfortable holding physical gold and silver now?;
  • (38:22) Will gold continue to rise?;
  • (39:34) Tell us a little about the next book you are working on;
  • And more...

41 minute video by Greg Hunter published 3 July 2020

Link Associated with this Interview

Living in a Permanent Distortion – Nomi Prins


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Thank you very much for sharing information with GREG HUNTER, have a nice weekend

Saludos @etcmike, gracias por el enlace a esta nueva entrevista y por las aclaratorias y enlaces adicionales, Feliz domingo.

Very smart...always like her forth coming analyzes..

thank you for the interview with GREG HUNTER,have a good and successful week