
3speak is good too. Still needs to get the big youtube guys to start posting to it as part of their distribution of media cycle though.

The "bring the big name" strategy, when applied to this chain over the past five years, failed. Why? Because they didn't bring any consumers with them.

You can see this in action here now with a couple "big names" like so and so and those other guys. NO ACTION under their work. Just money out the door. Yet their consumers could even be paid. They don't market that. They don't take any steps to generate a revenue stream for themselves outside of what current stakeholders are naively passing over with stupid particpation award BLIND auto votes.

If I had what they CLAIM to have (a large market, yet they show no signs of this market existing here but that's a story for another day), I could show up on day one, go completely unnoticed by all current stakeholders playing the role of consumer, gradually attract some of my market's disposable income, have it locked in, establish a revenue stream even utilizing auto votes, continue to push to have all eyes in that space, reward the fuck outta them for leaving comments, watch them reward one another in the comment section, watch this little bubble I create grow and grow and my revenue stream grows and grows. Now I post a video, my comment section looks like it would under Youtube, instead of a barren wasteland. I'm pulling tokens off the market and directing it to me. At these prices, with a large market and loyal outside consumer base that's always been eager to support me anyway but now I'm offering a far superior deal, with a big enough name I could pull millions off the market, gradually. Pretty sure enough stake to have a vote worth a nickel stays at near the same cost to the consumer in USD value, regardless of token value. I'd aim for those low numbers in mass. I'm making one whale out of thousands of people (decentralized!). Now that they're all congregating in one space, I can finally go viral again.

And that's the real kicker. These folks place several instances of the same content, all over the place, in front of small, fractured markets. So that individual unit of content in front of THIS market can only get carried by THIS tiny group of people, then stagnates. THAT instance of content can only get carried by THAT group of people, then stagnates. But if you place all consumers into one profitable pool, provide one instance of content, they all focus on it, they all share it on social media, and that's how you get a million views even if you got "deplatformed", and attract more consumers, offer them perks, rinse and repeat. Fracturing one link into several links doesn't work well and this can be observed by looking at a few examples here, seeing their link, noticing nobody is around consuming, therefore that instance is not moving outside. It's just sitting there looking dumb and maybe ten folks noticed while thousands skipped over because these folks aren't afforded the luxury of having a robot place their consumers in echo chambers anymore (which I think is great!).

Also, those people are not confined to my space. This spills over onto everything else here. Enjoy. But I'm only getting started.

The base layer is the door everyone enters. Much of the red tape is removed, standardized, universal, easy onramps. Taking that away is like chaining up the doors.

Now I'm going to advance to the second layer, create my own community based around my brand, my own token, do what I do best, blow a few minds, then fade off into the sunset because it was too goddamn easy and I got bored (joking about that last part).

That's just what one content creator could do.

Being star-struck and kissing the asses of supposed celebrities is really just a fancy way of getting used and being manipulated. Have a nice day.