#MondayMotivation: Ponder Over the Words of Mark Twain

in #motivation3 years ago


Everyone!!! I hope you are having a great time over there? It's really nice to see you visit my blog today and I must say I'm really happy to have a great personality like you visiting my blog today 😊. Thank you once again 💕

As you all know today is another lovely Monday and I'm quite sure everyone of you know what I do on Mondays like this. This is actually a part of the week I post motivational content just to brighten your day for the week and I hope you'll definitely feel motivated after reading this.

Today I'll be sharing a great word or quote from Mark Twain and I'm quite sure most of you might have been familiar with this quote or possibly you might have heard some motivational speakers talked about this quote. The first day I heard this quote, It really took me few weeks to comprehend what Mark Twain really meant not until after I took lot of time to comprehend on the meaning. I'm also going to be sharing what this quotes really means to you guys but before doing that I'm going to share this simple quote of Mark Twain with you since you are already curious about what this quote can be.

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Mark once said The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you found out why. These two days are indeed a very important days of one's life as Mark Twain said and the reason behind this is that every single human being has that sense of mission or purpose to fulfil in this world and this is why you were
created and sent into this in the first place to fulfil your purpose. We all have our purpose in life and the fact that you're still alive and existing in this world simply means that you are born for greatness and the world is waiting for you to fulfil your purpose and you are also meant to impact the world with your existence.

The Big Question


Now the big question is How do I know my purpose in Life? This is the most second important day Mark Twain made mention of in his words when he said "..... the day you found out why you were born into this world". Many people might have been asking this same similar question about their purpose of existence and what mission are they meant to deliver in this world. The fact is that it took some people over 10 years to answer this simple question themselves while some people got their answer with the help of friends and family. The reality is that we all have that special gift or talent in us which the world is waiting for us to unveil. We all have that special thing we can do better than anyone else which the world needs to utilize. The great people who had impacted this world positively with their gift or specialties are being remembered today even after their death simply because they created an unforgettable mark in the heart of people.


I'm using this medium to ask you this same question! What are you created for? Why are you born into this world? What are your gifts or talents? What do you do that makes you feel happy? Have you ever impacted the lives of others positively? I'll leave these questions to you and I hope you answer them with your heart. If you were able to know the reason for your existence then I congratulate you for being amongst the few people who know the two most important days of their lives but if you still don't know why you were born into this world, then I can assure you that you will definitely get your answer as time goes on provided you keep doing best to discover yourself. Also don't forget that the world is also waiting for your greatness and impact to make the world a better place.

Thank You for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla

