What's your opinion about uplifting music?

in #music4 years ago (edited)

Hello awesome people! You can enjoy 1 playlist of uplifting music thanks to conscious artists.

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Conscious rap is not just music, it's self-improvement on a rhyme. However, it might not be for everyone, because it’s music through which artists share realities, and by that i said everything, because people can't handle our reality.

What's your opinion about the Media?

What's your opinion about Television, about their chief, about their new, about their information, about pop culture, about superstars?
How do you tell the difference between:

Show busine$$ Vs freak show / Circu$, What's the difference?
I let you decide.

We might at least be grateful that they offer us beautiful ones.
Considering what you listened about the mainstream media, How about some fresh air?

What's your opinion about Education?

What's the role of education?
One role might be:

  • to develop you, so you can live a good life through your work, or even better said:
  • to help you know how you can leverage YOUR PASSION in a way that's useful for our world;

When we do what we love, we don't even work.

  • How many people know how to live a good life by leveraging their passion?
  • Are you happy with your work or is your work happy with you?

Another role might be to help you know how to invest your resources, such as money.

  • Are you consuming stuff that benefit you, or Are your $tuff consuming you?
  • How many people know how to have financial health, so they don't have to worry about money?
  • Are you the master of your money or is it your ma$ter?
  • Shouldn't the education system give us education about these aspects of our everyday life?
  • Who's responsible for your education system?
  • How many people ask questions?

i guess they don't have time to ask questions, because they’re busy

  • with searching education about how to becoming Millionaire Patriots or
  • with doing nothing -this is another common trend.

Or maybe they're too trapped in the race for survival.
Talking about money,
What's your opinion about the $timulus plan, about taxes, about central Banks, such as The Fed?

What's your opinion about Nutrition?

How many people know the basics about how to have good nutrition?
Why don't we get education about our basic need of nutrition in the education system?
What's your opinion about Protein, your food, your water, proce$$ed food, GMO, the pharmaceutical indu$try, vaccines, the Healthcare $ystem?
Do you know what you're eating or what's eating you?

What's your opinion about Leadership?

Some people (politicians, policy-makers) have the power: to lead the way, to create politics, to create rules, to rule us, to ensure the proper functioning of our system.

  • How responsible are they for their power?
  • How's their leadership going?

What's your opinion about:

  • these people?
  • their current politics = the measures of the new normal?
    How humane are these measures?
  • voting?

Our leaders talk about invisible enemies.
What's the proof for our invisible enemy.
Without 1 proof,

  • Their theory exists only in their imagination.
  • Their theory is just fiction.
  • We lose our freedom with zero reason.
  • Why are they creating these measures?

Who elected these people?
They have to have 1 active imagination to talk about imaginary enemies.

Considering so far they used their active imagination to reduce our freedom,
How well can we can rely on their imagination to create better?

i have a hunch: Creating a better
world depends our imagination.
Talking about active imagination,
Do you think you can imagine a better world?
How can we create better as long as we can't imagine better?

Considering, nothing stopped them to create a policy that reduces our freedom, with zero proof,

  • What's your opinion about further politics?
  • What's stopping them from continuing to create policy that reduces our freedom?

i don't believe making money is enough: In vain we make money, as long as we lose our freedom.

  • Do you think living in a zero freedom world is your only way or
    Do you think you deserve more?
  • Are you happy with their politics, or
    Are their politics happy with you?

We might at least be grateful that they're smiling.
Further rules are simple:

  • You're incapable of functioning in society when you're Unscanable.

Location is not a problem: you have to play by their rules wherever you live, because

  • everything is under their control,
  • you have to scan your app (your Health Passport) everywhere you go, at every entry point: i.e. unless you prove your health status, you're 1 enemy for society, who can commit a medical crime.
  • we can better deal with 1 new world enemy when we have 1 new world order - NWO.

Obviously, as technology advances, your app is just setting the stage for even more advanced track & trace tech, that has the role to prevent crimes.

Did you ever wonder why you see owls everywhere?
What's your opinion about secret societies, about their Bohemian club?
They say:

you have nothing to worry about what you have no secrets, so

What's up with so much secrecy from their part?

What's your opinion about the defence system?

What's your opinion about police, about military?
i wonder:

  • Why is there war?
  • Who are we fighting with?
  • Who's the enemy?
  • Aren't we all humans?
  • Who sends people to war?

Now the message shared through conscious rap is more relevant than ever.
Considering the overview you have from the music you listened so far:

They lead our game. At this pace, soon enough they win and we lose. Don't you think it's about time

The only goal of a pendulum is to suck the energy of its believers.

They say our challenge is to flatten the curve of 1 imaginary enemy. What's our actual challenge?
Our challenge is: To Flatten the curve of our freedom loss.
What can we do to overcome our challenge? What do you think?

How can we Keep our Freedoms?

Our freedom loss is based on lies. So, in our world of lies, in which thinking is a crime, sharing the truth is a priority.
What Goes Around...Comes Around: the consequences of our actions come back to us just like a boomerang. We can create better consequences, 1 Bright Green Future, when we take better actions.
Some people say that 1 better direction is 1 utopia. What can we say about

You'd better use your ability to speak & to think while you can, because soon enough

What do you think about that?

Talking about a better world,

  • What are some examples of better actions?
  • How do we make sure we work on the cause of our problem so we don't create a different form of our same problem?

You can take it as a thinking homework and you can comment below.
Our imaginary enemy allows them to fast-track their agenda, so our time is running out fast.
Can you feel that:

  • it’s just 1 matter of time before you lose your freedom?
  • our victory is 1 race against time or Are you senseless?

Somebody told me:

i do know that those who came before us have had to fight to gain our freedoms.

It’s true that so far your freedom has been won through bloodshed (e.g. ww1, ww2, etc).
People who believe violence is 1 solution are the ones who are incapable to think beyond violence, especially now when your technology allows you to share information with the push of some buttons.
i don't believe we can stop the violence with violence. i believe

As long as people are unconscious, our problem has the character of perpetuity: we perpetuate our problem, we create better forms of our same problem, because as long as they’re unconscious, they want to be governed. And the people who govern us create rules and politics: To keep you

because you got to be asleep:

  • To believe a theory that's based on zero proof,
  • To want to be governed by others,
  • To take massive action to create your own prison.

As long as people are complacent with the status quo (our mess we're in), they accept it by doing nothing to change it. Doing nothing is consent.

How can you be a winner as long as you choose to lose your freedom?
Do you think you're a winner? i don't believe you. Prove it!
Are you gonna remain in 1 deep sleep, or Can you answer the real call of duty?

We're born to win, however our victory is not automatic. It's Possible for you to be part of justice league, only when:

Your alternative is to choose

  • to give up your freedom.
  • to be a problem.

People who fear change are the ones who are unconscious that change is inevitable. The question is: What change do you want: toward

  • 1 zero freedom world or
  • 1 better world?

What Side You On?
You can’t be neutral on a moving train.
When you do nothing on a moving train, you consent with its direction.

  • What's the point of saying that you're good as long as you're on evil' side by doing nothing?
  • What's your name when you say something and you do the opposite?

What can we do now to help people be conscious?
That's the whole point of this playlist: Instead of trying to change people,
How about we offer them some conscious music?
Once people are conscious,

  • They no longer take massive action to create their own prison, so
  • They can take massive action to create better.

They're on the way to win by using information as their primary weapon, so
How about we win with the same weapon?

They use information to misinform, to deceive people, so
How about we use information to inform, to undeceive them?

Our game happens at the level of information. We don't need special abilities. It's about:

  • reading, so we inform ourselves.
  • sharing, so we inform others.

Everybody has these abilities, so everybody can be a solution.
Anyone with a room temperature IQ is capable to push some buttons.
Our problem is in our head so our solution is also in our head.
Your technology allows you to share information by pushing some buttons, so being a solution is at your fingertips. What's your name when you're incapable to lift 1 finger to defend your freedom that was won with bloodshed?
Artists who promote:

  • Low values (consumerism, ignorance, hypocrisy, etc.) are overrated, while
  • High values (responsibility, curiosity, integrity, dignity, gratitude etc.) are underrated.

Conscious artists simplify our challenge, because it's simpler to share realities and high values through emotional content (music) than through logical content.
Shouldn't they get the appropriate recognition?
How can we create a better world as long as low values are overground and high values remain underground?
As long as music is used to turn low values into 1 trend,
What kind of generation are we creating?
Wouldn't we be better off when high values are 1 trend?

No matter how senseless people are, music might be a better way to help them feel our reality, because music feels good.
What other way is better in sharing high values than music?

  • Rap was about sharing 1 message.
  • Now most rap is about flashing money and bling-bling.

How about we bring it back? How can we do that?
Demand drives supply: There is no supply for low value content when there is no demand for it.

For How long should we share High values?
Until we reach people with High values. Only together we can create a scenario in which

  • Low values are underground and
  • High values are overground.

i intend to share more conscious music, because:

  • Conscious artists (e.g. @bryandivisions ) deserve more exposure.
  • Uplifting messages deserve to reach more people.

Thanks for visiting my blog. This playlist is:

Conscious hive community. Conscious discord community.
What do you think? How can we overcome our challenge? Do you know examples of conscious rap? You can comment below and let me know.


Music gets our brain into a certain mode I think, gives a focus, gives us a flow... try listening to the music of our ancestors. Which in my case were the Celts. Listen to this >>

This is an awesome selection of music. It's many times better than most of the music from nowadays. What do you think about music as a component of overcoming our challenge?

Music can bring us focus and change our vibes, it can also send messages across the planet like lightning.

You're right: music is a good way to share a message in a relevant way.
i don't believe we need more facts to help people be conscious of our reality. i believe we're better off when we use more relevant ways of sharing facts.
What's your opinion?

I think you work in marketing and your adding a CTA to the end of the sentence 🤠 yes I think your right, facts must be studied with a clear and concentrated mind.

So, find a clear mind vibe :)

I think you work in marketing and your adding a CTA to the end of the sentence

Can you expand?

And music is not my talent in life :) hahahaha 🤠

We don’t have to be musicians. We can take advantage that some people create music through which they talk about our reality.
We can include this kind of music in our articles, we can send these music videos to people we know, to help them be conscious of our reality. Once people have a feel for our reality, for our challenge, we might have more chances to start working on overcoming our challenge.
What do you think about that?

We all have our skills my friend ;) I think it's a good idea! 🤠

It's stimulates the mind, so in turn stimulated our whole self. Can be done in a positive or negative way. Let's try an experiment here, we send each other music videos and measure the results at first sight...?

Here is my video from Sabi Mixx >>

The song might be good at waking up the fighter inside us and i don't think it's necessary to add violence to share this kind of message.
i think we can share the message of fighting for justice without using violence in our message.

What do you think?

Wow you put a lot of work in this post. You must join some communities and put tags under your post.
I don't like rap. It's more of a message and it does not appeal to me.
I listened to one or two. Language is too rough for me.
But thank you for your effort. You must find people on hive that have similar interests than you.

Thanks for your encouragement and for the reblog!
i believe in quality over quantity. i find it more useful to create fewer better article than a lot of low quality articles. This one is part of a series in which i share my perspective about how we can be more effective in overcoming our challenge. i'm glad you enjoyed it.
Congrats for being part of overcoming our challenge! Keep up the great work!

Pleasure. Have a good week.

Wow. This is one of the most original posts I've seen in a while @askmihai 😄 And it so happens that I like a lot of rap, besides reggae, soul and R&B 😋 Great work my friend!

Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog and thanks for the reblog!
Congrats because you're part of overcoming our actual challenge! Keep up the great work!

I just made a post which was inspired by you... Thanks!


newworldfreedom 🤠

i'm glad to know you’re inspired by my article. Congrats for being part of creating a better world!
Keep up the great work!