Minding My Own God Damn Business Coding, Then This Absolute Fucking Unit of a Track Comes On, Completely Derailed My Mind. XD

in #music3 years ago


This is probably the funniest shit I've heard all week so far.. It's so degenerate and catchy. lmfao.

I believe the guy voicing the track was hired off of Fiver to read Steam nicknames.. XD


I would’ve thought this was hilarious 20 years ago, around the same time I thought Bloodhound Gang was brilliant for releasing “The lap dance is so much better when the stripper’s crying”. Now it’s lost on me but I’m glad it made your day brighter.

Having said that..., “Fuck Her Gently” by Tenacious D seems right up your alley if you’re into oldies. 🤣

Oh god. Those songs remind me of my youth..

No wonder I'm so fucked up.. XD

Lol. Dude, look around. We’re all fucked up, down, sideways, diagonal, and likely several other directions that defy the laws of physics.

Also, on a side note, I think the ballad of chases lane may still hold up. 🤣

Check these out! ~~~ embed:embed/track/2BgagqJWYfrKPhz3f5V0Sw?si=bwZvHNXIRB-LiVEcRUNB_A&dl_branch=1 spotify ~~~

~~~ embed:embed/track/2hjqFVoMk6ssbfgtHEyhsY?si=o0EttfLzRBiYsJZCuDohNQ&dl_branch=1 spotify ~~~

~~~ embed:embed/track/6C3VpfgSHYJvV8za9muya9?si=woR89McCQcOtIP2ZOFO_Hw&dl_branch=1 spotify ~~~

I am scared

You should be! I’ll push more of my favorite chunes over to you every now and then :D