miners of life

in #nature3 years ago (edited)

In the digital world, to be precise here (hive) we become cryptocurency miners. But in the real world, this is how the miners live in my village, every harvest season comes, it becomes a blessing for job seekers. And below them are the miners of life, hoping to profit from the rice they harvest, and still use a simple rice thresher.

Didunia digital , tepatnya di sini (hive) kita menjadi penambang cryptocurency. Tetapi di dunia nyata , beginilah para penambang kehidupan di desaku, setiap musim panen datang, menjadi hal berkah bagi para pencari kerja. Dan di bawah ini mereka para penambang kehidupan, mengharap keuntungan dari padi yang mereka panen.dan masih menggunakan mesin perontok padi sederhana.


I think they don't know the dark, even though the panorama of the twilight has begun to sink, it doesn't dampen the spirit of work. Good cooperation, and I had time to think that they have good motivation, like a sentence (never going home before it's finished). I hope it is true and not just my essay.

Saya fikir mereka tidak mengenal gelap, walaupun panorama senja sudah mulai tenggelam, tidak menyurutkan semangat bekerja.kerja sama yang baik, dan saya sempat Berfikir sepertinya mereka memiliki motipasi yang baik, seperti kalimat ( pantang pulang sebelum selesai). Saya harap itu benar dan bukan hanya karangan saya saja.





And how is it in your area ???

Have a good time.

Dan bagaimana di daerah anda???

Semoga semuanya menyenangkan.