Modern Feminism Is Mostly Horrific

in #neoxianlast month (edited)

You know, the gender war stuff is absolutely fascinating. Most of the people I see saying how evil men are, typically are women or people who have had both parents. This is fine people have freedom of speech. I absolutely encourage this.

The more I see this debate happening the more I wonder, where exactly are the men like me who were raised by single mothers? These people are nowhere to be found. Forced into silence by both sexes.

Being raised by a single mom in many ways was the most confusing and frankly harmful thing of my life. My mom hated most men, this is clear as day, and this woman raised me. The paradox here can't be understated. The confusion and turmoil in my mind can't even be put into words. They say single moms are strong and should be championed I say....


Are we sure all men just abandon their kids? Are we absolutely positive? Is it just as simple as men suck? Do women even want men around?....

I grew up being annoyed by traditionally masculine traits. I was a feminist super young, before I could even think properly. This resentment led me to never really being able to fit in with men. It literally held me back in numerous ways. Now I am writing into the Hive void, just unhappy.

I therefore fit in nowhere.

I believe men like me are forced into silence. Men like me are pretty much stuck. I see both sides of the gender argument so clearly that I'm forced into just anger at the world much of the time.

I sympathize with both men and women. It's simply a tornado of shit.

As a man I fundamentally lean towards supporting men's issues more but I love and respect women greatly because this is who I was raised by, in fact I was surrounded by women every step of the way. My best friend was a girl, a tomboy. My sister partially raised me. My babysitter was a Columbian woman. The only reason I have a MORSEL, a SHRED of sanity is thanks to two weeks I spent in Connecticut with my papou (Greek for grandfather). I can literally trace back the exact time period where life felt normal. It was like a crumb of what life probably should have been like.

Masculinity is toxic, being emotional and sort of 'vulnerable' is also extremely frowned upon. All I want is acceptance.

I am not even asking for changes in the world, I don't write this even to complain. Well, maybe a little. Mostly though, this post is to express the sheer confusion it is for a man like me.

I know I am not alone, but it feels like it. They say kids these days are raised in broken homes more than ever, there are so many stats to suggest this.

The difference is though, it's ok for women to express themselves, and be weak. It's expected if not more than expected....

Men should just tough it out be strong and fix themselves. Meanwhile in workplaces any type of attempt to be a leader or stand out is also bad.


I am a part of the human race. I can't help but feel the need to speak on this. Women are my fellow humans, so I feel compelled to at least speak on this.

Everyone says a mother's love for their children is oh so precious. Meanwhile, go out into society and just hate us openly.


As a man I don't think it's a stretch to say a large part of me is hardwired to want to cherish women and protect them? Even saying I want to protect women implies they need protection. My bad, it's 2024 women are strong and independent and don't need protection.

I am a big fan of Asmongold, but this video, I can't disagree more. Ninety-five percent of what he says here is absolute horse shit. Antarctic levels of a cold take.


Men have essentially created a world for women to thrive and live more fulfilled lives. Now, it seems they are trying to not only turn the tables, but flip the entire table and set the building the table is in, on fire.

The sheer obviousness is too much to simply stay quiet. Most male feminists only exist to impress women and look wise and woke. Just pathetic, really.

They say it's not 1950 anymore, implying that men aren't as powerful and women are here to 'live their best lives'. Well, I am here to say, yeah it ain't 1950 anymore, men aren't stupid brutes and we see the bullshit. We have brains shockingly enough!

Most people who speak about how men must simply do better and get over all this, are speaking from places of comfort and power. The average joe is invisible. Mathematically speaking not every dude can be a top of the food chain man.

I don't expect women to like be head over heels for any joe schmo, but the total lack of respect is truly disturbing.

I personally am getting tired of playing dumb to all of this.

Even me speaking out about this, is exactly what a man is NOT supposed to do and the paradox continues, the cycle continues.

I may not have articulated myself amazingly in this post, but ask yourself, has a feminist ever done so either?

I don't offer any answers really. Just expressing my confusion and pointing out contradictions.

I perhaps don't have the perspective of a man raised in a stable two parent house hold, but I mean their perspective doesn't exactly take an Einstein level of understanding.

Personally, I have accepted my fate as a man who will likely die alone, but while I am still here I will gladly ask questions and point out how hilariously dumb MOST feminists tend to be. I'll just laugh from the sidelines and watch as populations decline.

Reasons populations are declining? Women hate men. Word salad this all ya want. I agree with Asmongold on maybe eighty percent of what he says, but that twenty percent can be wild at times. You can tell this man has been rich and disconnected for awhile. Good for him I guess. He also just farms and clickbaits a lot so meh it is what it is.


As a man, it is often said nobody cares about men's issues and trust me I get that. That being said, how can one 'unhinged' post do any harm?

This world is nutty, yo.