My Wife Went To The Home Improvement Store...... Alone....

in #neoxian3 years ago (edited)

And I Had To Take The Afternoon Off

I was supposed to spend all afternoon scheduling meetings. I even had a typical corporate pre-meeting for the meeting that was next week. But after Mrs. Senstless came home from the home improvement store, it turned out I needed to take the afternoon now so I could install the bricks she bought to go around a garden bed.

Luckily my boss is a really cool guy and when I told him what happened he said just go ahead and move our meeting till next week and I can schedule everything else early next week and no one will really care. All this sounds like a great idea to him, and my wife, I wasn't so sure it was a great idea for me. Mrs. Senstless it's always great at coming up with new home improvement projects to make our house look better, but somehow they all require a lot of manual physical work for me. Not quite the relaxing afternoon I envisioned sitting in a chair outside working in the Sun or the shade drinking coffee.

As you can see we had a garden bed along a fence line then needed some edging. This is not a skill set of mine, so it took me a lot longer than it would take most to be able to set the edging in a relatively straight line that contours the earth.

My Handy Work



Ignore The Mess

The back corner of the yard is where we keep all of the firewood, which is almost all gone. Where we store all the pieces of pounds that we took apart for arts and crafts supplies, and where my kids love to get into all of that stuff and make a huge mess. The rest of the stuff you see was all gotten out to help facilitate the project and move plants around, and was all put away by the time we finished. But at that point I was too tired to take you another photo.

I think it turned out fairly well, it was something you really needed to do. I don't make mowing and trimming much easier this year and will help keep the dirt where it belongs. But, it sounds like now "we" get to mulch it this weekend, in between soccer games and the rest of the stuff we have planned. "We" are feeling really lucky to get this all done on "our" schedule.........

Getting Old and Tired

I guess getting old if you're really tired for doing 5 hours of not that physically demanding work. Maybe it's all that strenuous sitting and drinking of coffee I do for my day job. off to bed before I fall asleep in my chair.