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RE: UK Downgrades nCoV-19, the Solutions are 5G & the "Digital Dollar", and Much More

in #news4 years ago

I heard rumblings of the economic things but until I watched one of the Corbett report episodes he did the other day, he outlined the real craziness that's going on. Absolutely some shady shit! Companies (don't remember if it was banks or companies, though sometimes there isn't much of a difference between the two [GM?]) don't have to hold liquidity any longer? Fantastic..

I do agree though that this in turn has had a pretty significant effect on those who normally would swallow it hook line and sinker. They've used the panic card a bit too much and now people are starting to see things differently.


Oh ya, they reduced the reserve requirements for banks to 0. Meaning that they no longer have any requirement to actually have any of the money people have deposited on hand.

They've used the panic card a bit too much and now people are starting to see things differently.

I definitely seem to be getting that sense too. They've created a LOT of imbalance. Seems like the middle ground is dissolving, and people are either going full retard (Tropic Thunder reference) or really waking up.

“You never go full retard” lol good reference!

Cheers, good discussions! I appreciate numerous perspectives, both in line with mine and maybe not so in line.