Greg Hunter: Weekly News Wrap-Up for Week Ending 28 August 2020

in #news4 years ago

Greg Hunter provides a wrap-up of the news during the past week with his own unique commentary and perspective.


  • (00:12) Political party conventions;
  • (04:21) Political endorsements;
  • (07:03) Political fundraisers by celebrities;
  • (08:33) Political approval poll;
  • (10:39) Portland Mayor's statement;
  • (14:23) U.S. Director of National Intelligence comments;
  • (15:29) Wisconsin riots;
  • (17:27) CNN coverage;
  • (19:22) China and jobs;
  • (22:06) Economy;
  • (22:11) Wave of evictions looms;
  • (22:44) Over 1 million Americans filed new unemployment claims last week;
  • (26:09) Shooting during riots in Wisconsin;
  • (29:44) New information from George Floyd investigation;
  • (31:01) U.S. Federal Reserve monetary policy change and commentary;
  • (35:12) Vote by mail and commentary;
  • and more..

39 minute video by Greg Hunter published 27 August 2020


Greg Hunter's YouTube channel: USAWatchDog
USA Watchdog website USA Watchdog
USA Watchdog on HIVE: @usawatchdog

I am not affiliated with the USAWatchDog, other than being a fan and avid follower of Greg's work.
The purpose of this post is to raise awareness of the USAWatchDog, give Greg's work a wider audience, and direct traffic to his YouTube channel.

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alegria.jpg Hola @etcmike, gracias por este nuevo resumen de Greg Hunter para esta semana que termina, también quiero desearte un lindo fin de semana...

Saludos @etcmike, al parecer falta mucho camino para que esto mejore… Pero bueno igual debemos seguir, gracias por este gran resumen informativo, que tengas in buen fin de semana amigo Mike…

interesting, informative interview with GREG HUNTER, have a good weekend

Thank you so much for sharing the interview with GREG HUNTER, have a good day

As usual, Greg Hunter sums it up: "Demons want total control ... Imagine a place like this, it's called HELL."

Hopa @etcmike, todo tiene un límite pero en esta oportunidad hasta los más expertos se han equivocado.